professional competence, lack of experience, instant service delivery to students does not using appropriate mechanisms,
and counseling guidance programs are not structured and organized; 3) The solution is that they must be given defense of
the competencies that must be possessed as an executor of the counseling guidance program from professional experts,
always communicate with parents regarding to the development and problems of children, and the lack ability of the
teachers will increase from the results of the experience they passed.
Keywords: counseling guidance, teacher barriers, program implementers
Menurut keberadaan seorang konselor di dalam tatanan sistem pendidikan sama-sama memiliki
pekerjaan yang sama halnya dengan fasilitator, instruktur, tutor, widyaiswara, pamong belajar, konselor,
dosen, guru, maupun istilah lainnya yang atur dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Tentang Sistem
Pendidikan Nasional No. 20 Tahun 2003 Pasal 1 Ayat 6. Pada dasarnya seorang guru pada bidang bimbingan