Trey melemparkan Master Ball ke arah Emiseraph, dan seperti itulah, dia berada dalam kendali Trey. Dia mengeluarkannya dari Master Ball, dan di hadapan Azarera dan Shemorera, Emiseraph berubah wujud. Dia bersinar seperti matahari di langit Asone. Pokemon di seantero wilayah menjadi buas. Jiyoon semakin takut melihatnya.
"You see how easy it is to override the wheel of a Pokemon? A mere piece of technology can make even ancient Pokemon do as I say, and any Pokemon can change its entire personality, with the activation of one ability. This is why you can't trust Pokemon. They have no sense of responsibility. They're like weapons. It's our responsibility to do all in our power, to protect our loved ones from them. It's finally time I teach you that lesson. I will disarm you of the weapons you hold, as any good father should!" kata Trey.
"Baiklah, kalau itu maunya ayah, ayo kita battle!" kali ini kesabaran Jiyoon dalam menghadapi ayahnya sudah habis.
"As we should," kata Trey.
(musik: Gustaph - "Because of you")
BATTLE: Jiyoon vs. Trey
- Precephant
- Captorrent
- Dunkraft
- Lorisurge
- Virulurk
- Kingambit
- Metalleon
- Aegislash
- Tyranitar
- Virulurk
- Emiseraph
Jiyoon menang, tetapi...
"Aku kalah," batin Trey. Kemudian dia berkata, "Hehehe... Jiyoon, Jiyoon, Jiyoon. Kamu mengalahkan ayah. Dan ayah rasa kamu akan menerima akibatnya sekarang juga!!!" Trey meringkus putri sulungnya dan membawanya ke Istana Asone untuk dijadikan sandera.
"AAAAHHHH!!!" jerit Jiyoon.