Therefore, I am extending an invitation to you, Mrs. Jeong Eun-woo, to accompany us to Asone. I believe that being reunited with her mother will provide Isa with the stability and love she desperately needs. Together, we can create a nurturing environment for her to heal and rebuild her life.
I understand that this is a significant decision and may require careful consideration. Please know that I hold no ill will towards you and that this invitation stems from a place of love for our daughter. I believe that by working together, we can give Isa the chance at a brighter future.
I kindly request that you respond to this letter at your earliest convenience, expressing your thoughts and willingness to accompany us. Should you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate to reach out. I hope that we can find common ground and make the best decision for Isa's well-being.
With warm regards,
Professor Cedar"
Bu Jeong Eunwoo kemudian berkata, "Papa kamu akan selesai bekerja di sini?"
"Iya, Bu," kata Isa.
"Icha anakku, dengarkan ibu. Setelah membaca surat dari papa kamu, ibu paham kalau waktu kamu di Paldea sudah habis. Bukan salah kamu Gaon tertangkap. Situasi ini, beserta tindakan Clavell dan polisi yang berpotensi membocorkan ID Jiyoon, berada di luar kendali kita," kata Bu Jeong Eunwoo.
"Setelah nanti kamu kembali ke Asone, jangan lupakan ibu dan teman-teman kamu di Paldea. Kita ini keluarga kamu di sekolah. Kita semua mengerti segala pedih hidup yang kamu selama ini simpan dalam hati," lanjut Bu Jeong Eunwoo. "Kita semua sayang sama kamu, Icha."
"Saya juga sayang sama ibu," kata Isa sambil memeluk sang wali kelas.
"Eunchae dan yang lain udah tahu soal kamu akan selesai pertukaran pelajar?" tanya Bu Jeong Eunwoo.
"Belum," kata Isa.