The purpose of writing this article is to describe that Behavioral Psychology can be used in learning mathematics. The research method used is qualitative research with a library research approach. Literature research is carried out by collecting information through the library, then recording and processing the data that has been obtained. The result of this research is that it focuses on behavioristic theory, namely visible behavior and external causes that stimulate it. Learning is a change in behavior as a result of experience. Learning based on behavior is obtained from experience. Learning based on behavior is obtained from environmental conditioning.
Keywords: Psychology Behaviorism, Learning, Mathematics
Ada beberapa pandangan psikologi terhadap manusia yang dapat menjelaskan
perilaku manusia Salah satu diantaraya adalah psikologi behaviorisme. Pandangan
behaviorisme `mengakui pentingnya memasukkan atau menyampaikan input yang
berupa stimulus dan keluaranatau output yang merupakan sebuah respon.
Behavioris mempelajari pada pembentukan tingkah laku yang sesuai
hubungan antara stimulus dengan respon yang biasa diamati serta tak
berhubungan dengan kesadaran maupun konstruksimental. di proses belajar,
behavioris melihat belajar sebagai perubahan tingkah laku. Belajar ialah akibat