This is enforced as the State 's obligation in Article 28I paragraph (4) of the Indonesian Constitution states , " Protection , promotion , enforcement and fulfillment of right basic man is not quite enough answer the State especially government ". Whereas in Article 28I paragraph (5) UUDNRI states , " For " uphold and protect right basic man in accordance with the principle of a dechromatic rule of law , then implementation right basic man guaranteed , regulated , and poured in regulation legislation ." [45]This is done carefully as by Prof. Sadjipto Rahardjo who said that the law is not a final scheme ( finite scheme ) but continues to move, change, following the dynamics of human life. Therefore , the law must dissected and excavated through efforts progressive for reach light light truth in reach justice .[46] Â
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Section considering the letter b of Law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press