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Sukma WijayaHasibuan
Sukma WijayaHasibuan Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa Hukum UIN Jakarta

Saya merupakan mahasiswa hukum dari program studi Hukum Pidana Islam UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, saya mahasiswa yang tertarik dengan dunia organisasi, juga senang dibidang riset, atau mendraf khsusnya dibidang hukum, disamping itu sebagai mahasiswa, saya juga mengagumi permainan musik seperti gitar, di dalam didunia pendidikan saya senang mempelajari hal-hal baru dan menuliskan ide-ide diberbagai platform, terlepas dari pada itu saya juga selalu meng up-grade keterampilan komunikasi sehingga menjadi lebih baik lagi. Dengan demikian saya ingin merepresentasikan keilmuan saya khususnya dibidang hukum



Ilmu Sosbud

Mechanism Complaint Violation Freedom of Expression ( FoE ) at Komnas HAM and The Press Council (Indonesian State Study)

14 November 2022   20:39 Diperbarui: 14 November 2022   20:41 298
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

This is enforced as the State 's obligation in Article 28I paragraph (4) of the Indonesian Constitution states , " Protection , promotion , enforcement and fulfillment of right basic man is not quite enough answer the State especially government ". Whereas in Article 28I paragraph (5) UUDNRI states , " For " uphold and protect right basic man in accordance with the principle of a dechromatic rule of law , then implementation right basic man guaranteed , regulated , and poured in regulation legislation ." [45]This is done carefully as by Prof. Sadjipto Rahardjo who said that the law is not a final scheme ( finite scheme ) but continues to move, change, following the dynamics of human life. Therefore , the law must dissected and excavated through efforts progressive for reach light light truth in reach justice .[46]  






Ahlgren , Kersti . 2019, Freedom of Artistic Expression -- An Analysis of Pactices between Estonia and Finland, Thesis, Faculty of Law, Lund University


Asshiddiqie , Jimly . 2008, Principles of Post- Reformation Constitutional Law . Jakarta: PT. Bhuana Knowledge Popular .


Section considering the letter b of Law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press

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