- Conclusion
Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that the essence of freedom of expression is a freedom that always exists containing freedom (liberty ). Not there is independence without freedom and not there is freedom without independence . Content ( substance ) independence pers is press freedom . form freedom pers is freedom communication , freedom opinion and spread opinions , and other related matters with function pers free . Independence pers is one _ form Freedom of expression So the law as commander in chief as the adage says Lex semper dabit remedium - that the law always provides a solution, so when there is a problem, the law is the most effective instrument in its resolution, thus when there is an act of injustice against the journalists, journalists, the press, then mutatis mutandis, fair law enforcement is the best method in solving problems that exist within the nation and state. Because the essence of freedom of the press in the life of society, nation and state is freedom in expressing thoughts and opinions in accordance with conscience and the right to obtain information, is a very essential human right, which is needed to uphold justice and truth, promote public welfare, and enrich the life of a nation.[44]
that, it is related to the procedure or complaint mechanism implemented by the Press Council as stipulated in Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Press Council Regulation Number : 01/ Regulation -DP/VII/2017 concerning Procedure Complaint To the Press Council confirms that Complaints are the activities of a person, group of people or institutions/agencies who submit objections to matters related to journalistic work and or activities to the Press Council as in the complaint flow of the Press Council mechanism in Figure 1
Furthermore, related to the procedure or complaint mechanism to KOMNAS HAM, namely:
- Full name complainant;
- address ;
- Mailing address if different with address house ;
- Number phone the place work or house ;
- Number facsimile if there ;
- Details complaint , namely what happened , where, when , who was involved , the names witness ;
- Photocopy various document related support _ with reported incident _
- Photocopy identity the complainant who still valid (KTP, SIM, Passport )
- Other corroborating evidence _ complaint;
- If any , other institutions to whom has be delivered complaint similar;Is already there is effort the law is carried out ;
    In Thing complaint submitted by party else , then complaint must accompanied with agreement from the party who feels become a victim of a violation a human rights ( for example letter power or letter statement ); which also includes the sign hand and name clear complainant or given _ power . After in full information and materials the complaint could sent through various way , namely :
- Can be delivered direct to Komnas HAM;
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- Can be sent through postal service or courier ; or
- Â
- Can be sent through facsimile to number : 021-3925227;
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- Can be sent by e-mail to complaint@komnasham.go.id