- Freedom of Expression Complaint Mechanism (FoE) at KOMNAS HAM
Regarding the mechanism for freedom of expression in the KOMNAS HAM sector, apart from or outside the press, people such as civil society, communities, citizen journalism , associations of organizations, and so on can also be given a form of protection through predetermined mechanisms.
Because the position of the community also needs to be protected . According to Mc. Millan and Chavis (1986) say that community is gathering of its members who have mutual feelings have , bound between one another and believe _ that the needs of the members will fulfilled as long as the members committed for Keep going together . Community is "a feeling that members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members need will be meet through their commitment to be together" -- McMillan & Chavis (1986) If you refer to the KBBI that community is a group of organizations or people and so on who live and interact with each other in a certain area, community, or association.
Next Like Citizen Journalism is activity journalism conducted by citizens _ normal (which is not journalists ). Citizen Journalism or known with Journalism Inhabitant have role active in the process of collecting , reporting , analyzing , and disseminating news as well as owned information . _ Type journalism this will Becomes a new trend how inhabitant form news as well as future information . _ Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis have definition from Citizen Journalism namely " the act of citizens playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing , and disseminating news and information " Â Journalism inhabitant or more known with citizen journalism is news sent _ inhabitant to the media without existence background behind journalism (Kurniawan, 2007).
In 2003 Online Journalism Review article , JD Lasica clarifying media journalism inhabitant to in a number of type : like
- Participation viewers , like comment in online news , personal blog , photo or video
- News and information independent sites