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Saya merupakan mahasiswa hukum dari program studi Hukum Pidana Islam UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, saya mahasiswa yang tertarik dengan dunia organisasi, juga senang dibidang riset, atau mendraf khsusnya dibidang hukum, disamping itu sebagai mahasiswa, saya juga mengagumi permainan musik seperti gitar, di dalam didunia pendidikan saya senang mempelajari hal-hal baru dan menuliskan ide-ide diberbagai platform, terlepas dari pada itu saya juga selalu meng up-grade keterampilan komunikasi sehingga menjadi lebih baik lagi. Dengan demikian saya ingin merepresentasikan keilmuan saya khususnya dibidang hukum



Ilmu Sosbud

Mechanism Complaint Violation Freedom of Expression ( FoE ) at Komnas HAM and The Press Council (Indonesian State Study)

14 November 2022   20:39 Diperbarui: 14 November 2022   20:41 298
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As for the complaint procedure applied by the Press Council as set forth in Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Press Council Regulation Number : 01/ Regulation -DP/VII/2017 concerning Procedure Complaint To the Press Council confirms that Complaints are the activities of a person, group of people or institutions/agencies who submit objections to matters related to journalistic works and or activities to the Press Council.[38]


Furthermore, in Article 2 Matters that the Press Council can complain about accept complaint case press regarding : _


  •  Creation journalism , behavior , and or action related journalists _ with activity journalism ;
  • Violence to journalists and or press companies ;
  • Advertisement as set in _ Article 13 of the Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press and regulations applicable legislation . _


Article 3 Works journalism that can complained is published works _ or broadcast forever 2 ( two ) months before , except for case specifically concerning _ interest general , prejudice or hatred related ethnicity , religion, race and intergroup (SARA ) To do action violence , or other things over Press Council considerations .


Article 4 Things that the Press Council can not complain about no handle complaint creation journalism that has submitted to police or court , except :


  •  Party complainant ready pull out the complaint to police or d ilan _ for resolved by the Press Council;
  • Police deliver solution case the to the Press Council;
  • Cases handled by the police or court could threatening and endangering joints press freedom and rights basic man
  • In Thing item (b) above happens , the Press Council can To do coordination with police for prioritize handling the case at the Press Council


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