Mohon tunggu...
Onytra Nirwana Prihatin
Onytra Nirwana Prihatin Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswi Jurusan Ilmu Hukum_Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 JAKARTA

Your Life's Journey Is Filled With Pebbles But You Are Able To Get Through All Of It, You Are The Formidable One. Now that you see the light that illuminates your soul, mind, and body, there you decide to live in honesty, create justice, and speak the truth because that is what God wants from you. ¬¬¬¬For the sake of all civilizations that have been passed, at the time determined by you, we will all meet and be responsible for what we have done on the earth where we stand and live with all the facilities that you have given us. You are the light in the darkness, we praise and thank you by calling you as the greatest. Forgive us that who are full of mistakes and we will continue to learn to become what you want. Loyalty and dedication commitment that we give only to you because you are the “Only One God” who has created us. We submit and by believing in you, you will save us from all the darkness that we have. May you forgive us...Amen




Analisa Hukum terhadap Delik-delik Sangkaan Kasus Kematian Tangmo Nida

9 Mei 2022   13:56 Diperbarui: 6 Agustus 2022   18:28 1172
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