yang menjadi dasar dalam mewujudkan cita – cita bangsa yang merdeka dan berdaulat. Pancasila
sebagai pedoman dari nilai – nilai yang mendasari kemerdekaan, dan proklamasi menjadi
momentum realisasi dari nilai -nilai tersebut. Sehingga keduanya saling berkaitan dan terikat.
Kata kunci : Pancasila, Proklamasi, Demokrasi
Abstrac :Â
Pancasila was first introduced by Soekarno in the BPUPKI session on June 1, 1945, which reflectsÂ
the values of nationality, humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice which are the basis forÂ
realizing the ideals of an independent and sovereign nation. Pancasila is the guideline of the valuesÂ
that underlie independence, and the proclamation is the momentum for the realization of theseÂ
values. So that both are interrelated and bound.Â
Keywords: Pancasila, Proclamation, Democracy