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Sukma WijayaHasibuan Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa Hukum UIN Jakarta

Saya merupakan mahasiswa hukum dari program studi Hukum Pidana Islam UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, saya mahasiswa yang tertarik dengan dunia organisasi, juga senang dibidang riset, atau mendraf khsusnya dibidang hukum, disamping itu sebagai mahasiswa, saya juga mengagumi permainan musik seperti gitar, di dalam didunia pendidikan saya senang mempelajari hal-hal baru dan menuliskan ide-ide diberbagai platform, terlepas dari pada itu saya juga selalu meng up-grade keterampilan komunikasi sehingga menjadi lebih baik lagi. Dengan demikian saya ingin merepresentasikan keilmuan saya khususnya dibidang hukum



Ilmu Sosbud

Mechanism Complaint Violation Freedom of Expression ( FoE ) at Komnas HAM and The Press Council (Indonesian State Study)

14 November 2022   20:39 Diperbarui: 14 November 2022   20:41 298
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS


  • News site with participation full or pure , like OhmyNews


  • Collaboration of media sites, such as Slashdot, Kuroshin


  • "Thin Media, like an e-mail newsletter


  • Broadcasting site personal (video) like , KenRadio


Steve Outing ever classify forms of citizen journalism as following Citizen Journalism opens room for comment public . In room that , reader or audience can react , praise , criticize , or add journalism writing material professional . Add opinion Public as part from written articles . _ Inhabitant requested for follow write his experience at a topics main reported coverage _ journalist . Collaboration Among journalist professional with non- journalists who have ability in the material discussed . Goal made tool for direct or check accuracy article . Then Model Wiki. On the Wiki, readers is also an editor. Everyone can _ write articles and everyone can too give addition or comment to published comments ( Yudapramesti , 2007). Even though it is Citizen Journalism that creates audiences or citizens, the news that is made must be accurate in terms of writing and content, the facts obtained, and the data they have, because all of that requires verification or checking of the data they have.


So that all people, whether outside the press, are structured and systematically regulated through institutions, namely the press council, so that ordinary people are also given protection. Because KOMANAS HAM in principle holds firm on the representation of legal protection as a state based on law, KOMNAS HAM is also an institution that contributes to the resonance of justice for civil society, Community, Citizen Journalism, Organizational Associations, and others who experience injustice in the nation and state. When there are good citizens in the social community, outside of print media companies, electronic media, and news agencies, as well as other media companies that specifically organize, broadcast, or distribute information, KOMNAS HAM can provide assistance from the reporter.


Based on provision Procedure Handling Complaints filed at Komnas HAM , complaints must be delivered in form written containing and completed _ with :


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