Living with integrity as a contemporary Christian leader
Living a life of integrity in this corrupt world as Christian leaders is quite challenging. Many factors can cause an upright person to veer off the path of righteousness. However the Bible encourages all to reamin faithful to the end.(Rev 2:10)The ultimate integrity questions? for all Christian leaders are: What is the value of your integrity as a leader? Is it possible to be a leader with integrity, whoto finds security in God alone, to be faithful to hisyour family and calling and to practice giving thanks to God unceasingly? The answer to these questions can be found inis Philippians 4:13, I " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"., Through the law, sin has power but People who believe in Jesus no morehave power over sin (Philippians 4:13).[49]
Based on the results of theoretical and theological studies regarding with integrity, it can be concluded that Christian leader is integrity. The success or failure of an organization is determined by the leader, therefore leadership with integrity is needed, especially in God's church. In order for leadership to have integrity, it is not only necessary to have a clear understanding of the call to serve God, to whom one is responsible, but also to understand that this simply means a call to serve others. The meaning of integrity in leadership is a firm commitment to the truth of God's Word. Christian ministry is a gospel centered ministry and at all times its leaders must really make sure that every aspect of the work is rooted in the truth of God's word. There is a positive and significant relationship between Church Leadership or Pastoral Leadership with integrity and spiritual growth of workers and activists. The quality of leadership exhibited by the Shepherd which includes integrity will increase the spiritual growth of workers and activists.
[1] Kenneth Barker, The NIV Study Bible, (Grand Rapid: Zondervan Publishing House), 1995
[2]Yune Sun Park, Tafsiran Alkitab Kisah Para Rasul, (Malang: Departemen Literatur YPPII), 200, 9
[3]Pusat Bahasa, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: Departeman Pendidikan Nasional), 2008, hlm.560.
[4],Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, edisi III, (Jakarta: Kemdikbud).
[5] Surakhmad, W., Pengantar Penelitian Ilmiah (Bandung: Tarsito, 1998),456.
[6] Mark L. Rieke and Stephen J. Guastello, “Unresolved Issues in Honesty and Integrity Testing.,” American Psychologist 50, no. 6 (June 1995): 458–459,