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Educational Qualifications: Personal information Name: : David Ming Date of Birth : July 15, 1974 Sex: : Male Nationality : Indonesia Phone: : +6287810919016 E-Mail: : 2. Denominational Affiliation I am an ordained minister with the church of Pentacostal Indonesia 3. Education (post-secondary) School Place Year of Grad. Degree Santa Louis Sby 1991-1994 Sekolah Teknologi Menengah (STM) Bethany Bible Institute Sby 1995-2000 Bachelor of theology Harvest Bible College Katharos Theologiccal Seminary Jkt Jkt 2000-2002 2009-2012 Master of Art Master of Theology Anugrah Theological Seminary Jkt 2012-2015 Doctor of Theology Kadesi Theological Seminary Jogja 2019-Now Dr. Dr. David Ming D.Th. 1.Google Schoolar 2.Scopus 3.Publon (WoS) 4.ORCID 5.SINTA 6.Research gate 7.Science open 8.Semantic Schoolar




The Integrity of Church Leaders in The Indonesian Perspectives

25 Mei 2023   14:13 Diperbarui: 25 Mei 2023   14:37 309
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The meaning of integrity has been eroded. For most people from various nations in this world, the word integrity raises the idea of being pretentious and narrow-minded, especially in the world of economics, business and politics. Today in the modern era the basic norms of integrity can be destroyed in the blink of an eye, norms that have lasting importance. Billy Graham has said, "Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together. We must constantly strive to keep our integrity intact." When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, everything is lost.[39]

The meaning of integrity has been eroded. For most people from various nations in this world, the word integrity raises the idea of being pretentious and narrow-minded, especially in the world of economics, business and politics. Today in the modern era the basic norms of integrity can be destroyed in the blink of an eye. Norms that have lasting importance. Billy Graham said, "Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together. We must constantly strive to keep our integrity intact." When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, everything is lost. [40]

Dr. Clinton in her comparative study of biblical leaders compared leaders who finished well and those who didn't. There are six common barriers that plague leaders which are still common barriers to service today, namely: (1) Use and abuse of finances, (2) abuse of power, (3) pride, (4) sexual abuse, (5) Family Relationships, and (6) Stagnation.[41]

Integrity is something that relates directly to individuals, not to groups or organizations. The ownership of integrity can only be attributed to individuals, not to family, parents or siblings. The integrity of a father does not necessarily become the integrity of his son. In living with others, the neatness of group work, succeeding in building a good and strong wall, does not necessarily guarantee that the individuals in it also automatically have strong self-defense. The main strengthening that must be done is the strengthening of the individual self, which strengthens each member of the group or the next generation, to have good and strong self-integrity. 


The word integrity has ethical connotations, and according to Minkes, et al.[42], ethical behavior relates to "ought" or "ought not", not just "must" and "must not". Therefore other measures lie behind what is required by law that are more focused on profit considerations. So the problem of integrity cannot be limited only to things that are visible or can be measured from the point of view of the items of law. Behavior that can be observed and considered in accordance with rules or laws, is not necessarily ethical. Integrity is a concept that is usually used in formal and informal discussions about leadership and organizational theories, however, it is not so clearly formulated and understood.[43] For example, in the existing literature, words such as integrity, honesty, and conscientiousness are often not distinguished and tend to be used as terms that can be used interchangeably without further explanation.[44] A person with integrity can demonstrate that they make ethical choices in their lives every day.[45]

 Is there still a need for consistency between one's private life and one's public life? Can one turn a blind eye to the things that happen in a leader's private life as long as he continues to show maximum public performance? Behind these questions, lies the frustration. The world seems increasingly desperate to find real role models for the public to emulate. And history proves that God's people who should be examples of life as salt and light of the world have failed many times.[46]The world is constantly looking for people who can say like the Apostle Paul, "Follow me, as I follow Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1). Integrity is the key to the future of everyone's leadership, Wiersbe signals an integrity crisis in the church and Christian leaders.[47]

 Factors that affect integrity among leaders

 Dr. Frans Pantan has said that there are several things that affect integrity, namely: Security (Power), Adequacy (Money) and Loyalty (Other Women or Men) and Consumptive Life (Shopping), especially for women. If we look at these things, Satan offers them becauseThese things ar given by by the world: (1) to make us enter intoto trap man in the grips of the devil's box, (2) to make usman limited, (3) to see that problems can only be solved by humans -- making thus taking humans far from God.[48]

Traits for effective Leadership

(1) The Importance of Leadership Security

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