(1) Integrity : When No One Knows
The level of integrity an individual has is measured by his/her actions conducted in secret, when no one is watching. Joseph was tempted for days by Potiphar's wife, his boss, to have sex with him. The probability of their affair being known to people was very small. It even reached zero. Potiphar was not at home, and the hostess's guards and ladies-in-waiting had been arranged to disappear for quite some time. Joseph could have an affair without worrying about being caught. But his emphatic response showed his level of integrity, "How could I commit this great crime (against Potiphar) and sin against God?"(Gen 39:9) That is integrity in action.
Often one's integrity is determined by the probability that his/her actions will be known to others. Yet reverence should be given to Allah because He is the One whom Allah never sleeps. Not only that, He is also the God who reveals sin. Strictly speaking, a bad smell can't be covered up forever. When sin is left unaddressed, God in His sovereignty can open it and reveal it to the public.
The Book of Proverbs serves as a reminder, "He who is clean in his ways has a safe way, but he who is crooked in his ways will be known" (Proverbs 10:9). The English translation of this verse is more precise: "The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out". If we insist on covering up our sins and mistakes, Allah will reveal them in different ways and contexts according to His sovereignty. And when that happens, it is usually fatal.
(2) Transparent Living
People with integrity have nothing to hide or fear. Their transparent life is like an open letter. In the Old Testament, Daniel demonstrated this principle concretely. When the ungodly looked for reasons to accuse him, they could find no fault in Daniel's life (Daniel 6:5,6). He lived a life that was completely flawless from a human point of view.
(3) Don't Deceive Others, Yourself and God
Warren Wiersbe writes that people without integrity are people who are experiencing moral and spiritual decadence. Darkness covered him but he did not know it, because he felt the darkness within him was light. The road to integrity is difficult and winding. So many Christian leaders fall in the area of integrity, compromise in the areas of power, money and sex. King David's series of scandals should make believers more humble and afraid before God. We are increasingly strict in guarding the heart and testing it before Allah. Without it, it is impossible for a leader to set a living example. The world is still waiting for role models who dare to say, "Follow me, just as I follow Christ".
 According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) the word "integrity" (noun) means quality, nature, or condition that shows a unified whole so that it has the potential and ability that radiates authority and honesty. The word "integrity" comes from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete).[13]Â
 Integrity is the sense of spirituality and wholeness that comes from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character. From the Greek Integrare which means to make whole or to be something complete; an example of integrating is to combine several into a complete whole. Integrity equals wholeness where "what you say is what you do." What you do in public is what you do in private -- what you do in public is also what you do in secret.[14]
 John C. Maxwell asserts that, a person with integrity is a person who is equally good inside and out, there is no difference between what is said and what is done, he is trustworthy and he is the same person away from home as he is at church or at home. House.[15] Maxwell expressed his opinion as such: