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Educational Qualifications: Personal information Name: : David Ming Date of Birth : July 15, 1974 Sex: : Male Nationality : Indonesia Phone: : +6287810919016 E-Mail: : 2. Denominational Affiliation I am an ordained minister with the church of Pentacostal Indonesia 3. Education (post-secondary) School Place Year of Grad. Degree Santa Louis Sby 1991-1994 Sekolah Teknologi Menengah (STM) Bethany Bible Institute Sby 1995-2000 Bachelor of theology Harvest Bible College Katharos Theologiccal Seminary Jkt Jkt 2000-2002 2009-2012 Master of Art Master of Theology Anugrah Theological Seminary Jkt 2012-2015 Doctor of Theology Kadesi Theological Seminary Jogja 2019-Now Dr. Dr. David Ming D.Th. 1.Google Schoolar 2.Scopus 3.Publon (WoS) 4.ORCID 5.SINTA 6.Research gate 7.Science open 8.Semantic Schoolar




The Integrity of Church Leaders in The Indonesian Perspectives

25 Mei 2023   14:13 Diperbarui: 25 Mei 2023   14:37 309
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 If I have integrity, my words and actions match, I am who I am, no matter where I am or with whom. Someone who has integrity doesn't share loyalty (that's ambiguity), or he's just pretending (that's hypocrisy). People who have integrity are whole people; they can be identified by the unity of his mind. People with integrity have nothing to hide and nothing to fear. Their life is like an open book. V. Gilbert Beers said, "A person of integrity is one who establishes a system of norms by which to judge all life."[16]

 Jeff Hammond describes integrity in detail: integrity is a reputation for credibility, high morality, honesty and integrity according to Christ's integrity. Integrity is very important to be a successful leader. People who are being led must know that those who lead them are reliable, trustworthy. If a leader loses integrity then the leader loses the capacity to function properly. To maintain integrity, a leader must follow John's advice in 1 John 1:7 "But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin".[17]

 Larry Keefauver also argues that integrity is what is done behind the door in service when the camera and microphone are turned off. Without the integrity of a service, it will surely be destroyed. With integrity, leaders practice what the leader says, behind closed doors with others, in distant places and with those closest to the leader. Luke 12:2-3 reads "There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing hidden that will not be known. Therefore what you say in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you whisper in your ear in the bedroom will be preached from the roofs of the house."[18] In line with the opinion above, Myles Munroe explains that one of the qualities needed in true leadership is integrity, namely consistency in one's words and actions.[19] Another expert, Wiersbe writes that integrity is the foundation for building trust. Trust is closely related to predictability. A leader with integrity builds trust by showing others that when faced with a moral challenge, his decisions and actions are predictable.[20]

Sendjaya also explains that integrity is understood as "wholeness, completeness, entirety, unified". Wholeness in question is wholeness in all aspects of life, especially between words and deeds. Some dictionaries define integrity as, "the condition of having no part taken away" or "the character of uncorrupted virtue." James provides a similar definition. People with integrity are people who are "mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:4). His faith and works are one. Even by his deeds, one can see his faith (James 2:8).[21]

 Ted W. Engstrom states, "Many successful rehabilitation programs teach people to make long-lasting changes by focusing on simple improvements "one day at a time." It might be well to remember that where a lifetime commitment seems overwhelming, "one day" can be manageable. And if you and I can demonstrate integrity in our lives today, it will be easier to do so again tomorrow, and the next day. But for now, one day is enough. His integrity action plan: (1) Not focusing on the evil around, but concentrating on the good within; (2) Giving your word and keeping it; (3) Clothing your body and your mind with excellence; (4) Promising to keep on shining."[22]

 Another opinion was conveyed by Andreas Harefa who explains that one of the definitions of integrity is "mainly social, ethical, and organizational norms, firmly adhering to your code of conduct, the ethical principle". 

 The Concept of Leadership  

 Looking at the recent social and church conditions, there is one thing that has caught attention and concern, indicating a leadership crisis, that leadership failures occur in various organizations, both those related to politics, economy, social and society, as well as in ecclesiastical organizations. The leadership crisis has resulted in various scandals, deviations that are not only detrimental but have damaged the order of human life as social beings in particular and the life of the nation and state. If examined further, the cause of the leadership crisis that occurs, especially in Indonesia, is the absence of the right leadership vision pattern. Dr. Chris Marantika has said:

 "Leadership crises are the hallmark of the people in Indonesia today. The existing leadership is not rich in positive, constructive and creative qualities. In some cases, such as poverty, it can even be said that there is a leadership vacuum."[23]

 Filsuf Herb Shepherd states that leaders have self-integrity as a unit that includes four values, namely perspective (spiritual), autonomy (mental), social relevance, and tone (physical). George Sheehan describes self-integrity as a unity of four roles, namely being a good animal (physical), a good carpenter (mental), a good friend (social), and a holy person (spiritual). [29] 

 Leadership organizations exist because they are created and not because they are born. This may sound clich because the phrase "made, not born" is currently popular when leadership is discussed. Famous people who lead giant and large organizations are often labeled as breakouts, radicals, achieve their goals in unconventional ways, in order to survive they have three key strengths, namely: a. They respect the integrity of their ideals and the instincts that accompany them. b. They have a knack for attracting other risk bearers to their side. c. They all become students as well as mentors, learning from their followers, from their mistakes and from their rivals.[30]

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