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Diskursus Estetika Antara Alam dan Teknologi (1)

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Estetika Antara Alam dan Teknologi (1)

Citasi Apollo (Karma):

  • Adorno, T.W. & Horkheimer, M. Dialectic of Enlightenment. tr. Cumming, J. London: Verso, 1979.
  • Adorno, T.W. Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life. tr. Jephcott, E.F.N. London: Verso, 1978.
  • Adorno, T.W. Negative Dialectics. tr. E.B.Ashton. London, Routledge, 1990.
  • Beardsley, M.C. 1958, Aesthetics, Harcourt Brace, New York.
  • Bell, C. 1914, Art, Chatto and Windus, London.
  • Brey, P. (2000): “Theories of technology as extension of human faculties”, in: Mitcham, C. (Ed.): Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Technology (Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol. 19), Amsterdam: JAI.
  • Bucciarelli, L.L. (1994): Designing Engineers, Cambridge (MA): MIT Press.
  • Bucciarelli, L.L. (2003): Engineering Philosophy, Delft: Delft University Press.
  • Collingwood, R.G. 1958, The Principles of Art, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Cooper, D. E. (ed.) 1995, A Companion to Aesthetics, Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Crawford, D.W. 1974, Kant’s Aesthetic Theory, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.
  • De Vries, M.J. (2005): Teaching About Technology: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Technology for Non-Philosophers, Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Dusek, V. (2006): Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction, Malden (MA): Blackwell.
  • Dickie, G. 1974, Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis, Cornell University Press, Ithaca.
  • Ernst Cassirer on Form and Technology.,Contemporary Readings.Edited by Aud Sissel Hoel and Ingvild Folkvord Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
  • Ferre, F. (1988): Philosophy of Technology, Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall; unchanged reprint (1995): Philosophy of Technology, Athens (GA) & London, University of Georgia Press.
  • Franssen, M.P.M. (2009): “Analytic philosophy of technology”, in: J.K.B. Olsen, S.A. Pedersen & V.F. Hendricks (Eds): A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Graham, G. 1997, Philosophy of the Arts; an Introduction to Aesthetics, Routledge, London.
  • Ihde, D. (1993): Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction, New York: Paragon House.
  • Ihde, D. (2009): “Technology and science”, in: Olsen, J.K.B., Pedersen, S.A. & Hendricks, V.F. (Eds): A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Habermas, J. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity: Twelve Lectures. tr. F.G.Lawrence. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1987
  • Heidegger: The Question Concerning Technology". University of Hawaii. Retrieved March 22, 2016.
  •  Martin Heidegger, "The Question Concerning Technology," Basic Writings Ed. David Farrell Krell (Harper & Row, 1977),
  • Langer, S. 1957, Problems in Art, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
  • Hanfling, O. (ed.) 1992, Philosophical Aesthetics, Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Olsen, J.K.B., Pedersen, S.A. & Hendricks, V.F. (Eds) (2009): A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Margolis, J. (ed.) 1987, Philosophy Looks at the Arts, 3rd ed., Temple University Press, Philadelphia.
  • Misa, T.J. (2009): “History of technology”, in: J.K.B. Olsen, S.A. Pedersen & V.F. Hendricks (Eds): A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, ;
  • Mitcham, C. (1994): Thinking Through Technology: The Path Between Engineering and Philosophy, Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press.
  • Pitt, J.C. (2000): Thinking About Technology: Foundations of the Philosophy of Technology, New York & London: Seven Bridges Press.
  • Rapp, F. (1981): Analytical Philosophy of Technology, Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
  • Rasmussen, D. (ed.) The Handbook of Critical Theory. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.
  • Scharff, R.C. (2009): “Technology as “applied science””, in: J.K.B. Olsen, S.A. Pedersen & V.F. Hendricks (Eds): A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell,
  • Scharff, R.C. & Dusek, V. (Eds.) (2003): Philosophy of Technology: The Technological Condition., An Anthology, Malden (MA): Blackwell.
  • Schummer, J. (2001): “Aristotle on technology and nature”, Philosophia Naturalis 38.
  • Sheppard, A. D. R. 1987, Aesthetics: an Introduction to the Philosophy of Art, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Wolff, J. 1993, Aesthetics and the Sociology of Art, 2nd ed., University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
  • Verbeek, P.-P. (2005): What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency, and Design, University Park (PA): Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Wartofsky, M.W. (1979): “Philosophy of technology”, in: Asquith, P.D. & Kyburg, H.E. (eds): Current Research in Philosophy of Science, East Lansing (MI): Philosophy of Science Association
  • Wimsatt, W.C. (2007): Re-engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings: Piecewise Approximations to Reality, Cambridge (MA): Cambridge University Press.

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