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Indah W.
Indah W. Mohon Tunggu...

: a wandering soul in her journey to the final destination..




Being A Comforter

14 Mei 2010   14:20 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:12 43
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

So many times I wanted to just screaamm, "Heeyyy.. you caused this pain to yourself!! You're too consumed with your negative thoughts. It's your time now to tone them down and replace 'em with positive ones."

But I just can't scream out those words to certain people in my life for I know how much they've been hurted.

I maybe insensitive at times but sometimes I can sense their emotions more than what they show by words.

It's somehow in their tones or their gestures, etc.. and somewhat I can just feel it.

And sometimes sometimes my filter just doesn't work, I consumed all their negativities up to the point where my heart wanted to shout, "Pleaseee.. stop it! You're hurting me! I can't take these negative emotions anymore. I'm so drown by your negativities."

But well.. my mouth just couldn't pass on the message of my heart.

Somewhat I guess because I feel it's unfair for them if I wanted them to stop for I'm the only one they can talk their hearts out.

But trulyy.. it's sinking me down, aarrrgghhh..

The problem of being a comforter is..

Many people whom you used to comfort to tend to forget that you're a human, too.

That at times you might have problems of your own.

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