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Indah W.
Indah W. Mohon Tunggu...

: a wandering soul in her journey to the final destination..




Being A Comforter

14 Mei 2010   14:20 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:12 43
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

But to actually say that word from my mouth, ouucchh..

I'm soo having problems with that.

I'm gonna be inconsistent here for a while, hihihi..

In my other writings, I said that I wasn't a comforter, right? :D


I guess.. in a way maybe I'm a comforter.. but not the usual comforter anywayy, ahahaha :p

I mean.. I can't comfort people by giving them soothing words they might want to hear.

The easiest way to be a comforter is this..

*take a note, will ya? :p*

Just sit next to that person and listen (and agree) to whatever things that person wants to say.

Give your noddings once in a while and just repeat their stories whenever that person asks your opinions.

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