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Raehana Tenri Nawa
Raehana Tenri Nawa Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Penulis Media Online

I am an enthusiastic and highly motivated freelance online media writer with leadership, new challenges, fashion and makeup and of course writing a literary work.




The World That I Long For

22 November 2023   11:56 Diperbarui: 22 November 2023   12:10 246
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In the late afternoon, I woke up from my deep sleep that I'd gotten from fighting my way through the performance. I called Ataya because I hadn't replied to several of his messages. Ataya, sorry I just got around to replying to your chat. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me so much during the performance yesterday. In return, do you want to try my favorite satay? For some reason I suddenly wanted to invite him to taste goat satay covered with peanut sauce and also my favorite dabu-dabu sauce since childhood. Not long after, Ataya replied to my message. It's okay. I also know how busy you were yesterday, so just relax. Uh, is the invitation to eat satay still valid? If so, I'll immediately pick you up so we can take a walk first. Surely your brain needs refreshing too. How about it, do you want it? I smiled as I read the message sent by the man. Ataya always knows what I need. Even the smallest thing, Ataya always pays attention to it. After reading the message, I quickly rushed to pack so I could meet him as soon as possible.

During the trip Ataya kept quiet and didn't tell me where she was taking me. I was honestly scared that she would take me to a strange place. But the man's silence drew me to the natural beauty of our destination. I had never visited that place even though it was so close to the city. I was presented with a view of a river whose water was very clean and flowed very calmly. The flowers there looked beautiful growing on the green grass so it was very comfortable to spoil the eyes. The trees also grew very well but. Maybe people who visit this place will immediately fall in love with the beauty of this place, including me. Somehow I feel that this place will become my favorite place when I'm not feeling well. Again I must say, Ataya always knows what I need. I am truly mesmerized by this place. I asked Ataya about how men could find such a quiet place.

"How did you find such a cozy place?"

"I'm an explorer with my friends," he replied.

"This is actually the first time I've invited someone other than my friends to this place. If I want to vent all the thoughts that are weighing on my brain, I will definitely come here." Ataya continued.

I asked in surprise, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Hahaha... why would you if I invited you?"

I was taken aback by the question, but after seeing my suddenly strange demeanor, Ataya immediately opened her voice to answer the question I threw at her.

"Because everything is better with you, Shan. Everything has been better since you. I don't know why, but when I'm around you, I feel like I'm back home, Shan. It's like I can pour out everything that's on my mind without having to think if the other person will accept or reject what I'm thinking. And if you ask, why did I bring you here? Yes, because I want to introduce a beautiful place to a beautiful person like the one beside me right now.

My heart felt like it was running a race to hear it, making the silence a response to the words I had just heard. My cheeks flushed, it never crossed my mind that Ataya would say that. Never did he know that to me, he was the same. Everything is better with him. Everything is better when I'm around him. Because when Ataya is here, it feels like everything will go well even on the worst days. Because when Ataya is here, it feels like I have someone who will always listen to me talk about everything that fills my little head.

"Why are you silent? Did I say something wrong?" Ataya's voice pulled me back from my thoughts.

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