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Raehana Tenri Nawa
Raehana Tenri Nawa Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Penulis Media Online

I am an enthusiastic and highly motivated freelance online media writer with leadership, new challenges, fashion and makeup and of course writing a literary work.




The World That I Long For

22 November 2023   11:56 Diperbarui: 22 November 2023   12:10 246
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"Oh okay, I'm sorry I made you come back so late" she said with a faint smile that made my heart tremble.

"No problem. I'll go back first. See you sis" then I hurriedly left Sis Ataya. "Drive safe Shana, see you." While shouting out that sentence.

On the way, I couldn't stop thinking about that man. For some reason I felt comfortable listening to him speak his mind, which I thought was unique, even though it was only for a short while, but I was really happy. As I said before, I'm not at all comfortable communicating with new people I meet. But, Ataya was different. There was a different vibe when I talked to her. I'm also confused as to why my heart flutters when I look into her eyes. I don't know, maybe it's just admiration. But if I'm asking what are your hopes for now? Not much but, I want, this is not the last time I listened to that man talking about what he thought in front of me but I hope that this incident was the beginning of our story.

On the same day, when I wanted to inform Ataya via WhatsApp that her unique idea had been accepted, Ataya contacted me first and asked the same thing I wanted to tell her. Hello Shana, sorry to disturb your time. But I just want to ask about the continuation of the theme. How about it, have you been accepted yet? I was surprised and of course excited that Ataya had started our conversation today. To be honest, since the first day we talked on campus, there has been no communication between Ataya and me since then. My heart was again beating at an uncharacteristic pace when I wanted to answer the man's message. Uh hello, I just wanted to tell you that the theme proposal you gave was well received by the kids and tomorrow I already have to collect the concept. I answered with a hand that had honestly been shaking since Ataya's message notification appeared on my cell phone layer. Oh, thank goodness. Let's go out for a walk while I help you think about the concept so you don't have to worry about it alone. Do you want to go? If you want I'll pick you up now. My heart feels like it's about to stop beating. What are you doing? I muttered to myself because I was actually confused about what to reply to the man's message. On the one hand, I really need Ataya to help me think about the concept because the one who has this idea is my man. But on the other hand, I was nervous. I don't know if it's because I have a vision of my life's mission that won't work with seniors or if I'm nervous because I like Ataya?

Ten minutes had passed and I still hadn't replied to his message, until finally he sent me another message. Uh how come you disappeared anyway? If you doubt, it's okay. I understand what you're thinking right now. But you have to know, I'm different from the definition of seniors that you think. Again I was surprised by that person. Do you really know what I think? Actually, I have a vision of life that will not work with seniors on campus. But never mind, I also have a good feeling for you. And I also need your brain to help me think about the concept because this is your idea. You must have thought of it all hehehe. I chuckled in response to the man's message. But I accepted Ataya's invitation because it was honestly different from the other seniors. I'll get ready first. I continued. When you're done, let me know. No need to rush, I'll wait. Ataya replied to my message which would make my heart beat fast like after a running race.

An hour and a half later, I replied to the last message from Ataya indicating that I was done and ready to be picked up. Ataya, I'm done,  are you done too? ? I asked to make sure he was done packing too. Ataya replied to me quickly. Oh sure. Just on the way. Please shareloc. I quickly replied to the man's message because I didn't want to keep him waiting. Malioboro Street no. 19. Then Ataya replied to me to signal that she would arrive quickly. I'm on the way. I'll probably be there in about 15 minutes because it's close to my house. See you Shana. I reply with my heart starting to beat fast again. Be careful bro. I'm actually nervous.

And sure enough as the man said that he would arrive right in front of my house in just 15 minutes. I immediately went out to meet him and because Mom wasn't home so I just asked permission over the phone. I greeted the man with a smile and immediately got on his motorcycle. We walked down the street while enjoying the afternoon breeze. I opened the conversation and asked Ataya about the fate of my theme concept. Along the way, Ataya didn't stop talking, and the man kept expressing his opinions. One of his opinions was about the concept of the stage. He said, the stage would be more interesting to see if there were retro and vintage elements. Because many millennials like us like anything that smells vintage. As we traveled around the city of Jogja, Ataya kept talking, while I stayed silent and marveled at her. The man continued to speak his mind to me, even when we both arrived at a restaurant where Ataya was still babbling. It was amazing how that man was.

That day, maybe I can call it one of the days where I was grateful to be able to meet God's creation that I thought was different from what I had met before. Ataya is different. Why? Because I felt like I had my own world again. I feel like I'm back home, where I can express myself. I felt safe and comfortable when I was around her. Ataya I fell in love with you. To everything inside you. I'm grateful to be able to like a man like you.

After our meeting, there was no more communication between the two of us. Because we were busy with our own business. I was busy taking care of the stage and Ataya was busy taking care of her own business. Actually, Ataya and I often met on campus but there was no interaction other than greeting each other. Day after day we went through our respective lives. Until the day came when the performance I was making started. And that's when Ataya contacted me again, giving a simple sentence of encouragement. Hello Shana. Cheer up for today and the next 3 days. I'm sure you're strong and capable. Don't forget to take your vitamins. And if you need help, just contact me. I'm ready to be bothered by you. It's simple for others but for some reason my eyes watered when I read the message from him. I honestly missed the little treatment Ataya gave me, but I had no right to oppose it to her. Hello Ataya. Thanks for the support. How are you doing? Are you safe? Uh by the way, did you come to the opening ceremony today? You should have come, right, what was shown was partly your idea. I replied with tears in my eyes and hoped for a miracle that Ataya and I could meet today and talk more. I'm doing well, I hope you do too. And it's clear that I'm coming, I can't see the results of your hard work for the past 3 months that made us not communicate because you were busy taking care of this and that. Again, Ataya was able to make me feel like a unicorn flying above the clouds. Hahaha. Well, see you then, I want to continue getting ready. To be honest, I wanted to continue the conversation, but since this was the first day of the performance and the opening ceremony would soon begin, I had to break off our conversation. And sure enough, during the performance Ataya continued to help me.

Unfortunately, right on the second day of the performance when I wanted to contact one of my division friends, Papa Addison name suddenly appeared on my cell phone screen. Yup, the person who called me was my father. The man I missed all this time and also the man I never expected to come suddenly contacted me. What did that man want? Why is it only now appearing? Does he still remember that he has a daughter? I asked myself that question before picking up the phone.

It was hard for me to start a conversation with my father again after almost 15 years of no communication with him. I don't know why I'm not so happy with my father's appearance. Fear and worry overcame me when I wanted to answer the phone from that man, it felt like a big disaster was going to happen to my life.

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