Melawan radikalisme merupakan suatu hal yang sangat wajin kita lawan dengan tegas dan berani
Karena jika tidak dicegah dari awal maka bangsa Indonesia akan hancur dan tercerai berai
Berikut merupakan hal yang harus kita lakukan untuk menjaga bangsa Indonesia :
1. Penguatan Ideologi pancasila dan pengetahuan sejarah Indonesia kepada pemuda Indonesia
2. Merangkul mereka yang terpapar ideologi radikal dan mulai sekarang menghapus stigma
3. organisasi islam besar yang terkemuka harus berani menyuarakan ajaran islam yang baik dan benar dan mudah di pahami oleh kaum yang lainnya sehingga sangat mudah memberi pesan perdamaian
4. Pemerintah Indonesia wajib mengadakan  penerapan hukum pidana dengan adil dan  tegas terhadap aksi terorisme radikalisme dan aksi lainnya yang menyebabkan negara ini tercerai berai
Religious radicalism is an understanding or a hard line originating from a religious teaching that creates an attitude of intolerance. Religious radicalism can occur in any religion. According to Muhammad A.S. Hikam in his book Deradicalization, this movement is generally rooted in Wahhabism which emphasizes the purity of religious life in accordance with religious law; on a global scale this understanding underlies the ISIS and Al Qaeda movements (A.S Hikam, 2018: 1). The basic nature of such religious radicalism is in stark contrast to Pancasila. As the foundation and soul that underlies the building of this nation and country, First of all, the presence of Pancasila protects and guarantees the diversity of the primordial identities of the Indonesian people. The key point in understanding radicalism is the fundamental perspective in responding to various problems around it. Thus, the term radicalism does not always have to be interpreted negatively. There is a view that says that radicalism can be negative or positive. So what needs to be done can be like trying to counter radicalism through education? As education is a process that is very important for survival and human life, because education can be said to be an indicator of the progress of civilization of our nation. According to the Islamic scholar, Nazzarudin Umar, radicalism does not exist in Islamic history. Because Islam does not use radicalism to interact with the other world. The forms of radicalism in education are not all acts of violence, but can also be manifested in the form of words and attitudes that have the potential to give birth to violence that is not in accordance with educational norms. Ethics and courtesy that should be upheld. In the purpose of the existence of sharia law, there are main ideas related to welfare and protecting humans which are seen as equal from a legal perspective. Islam does not teach radicalism or moderatism in the sense of "a political philosophy of avoiding the extremes of left and right by taking a moderate . "With this understanding of radicalism, Anwar stated that the causes of this understanding were injustice, discrimination, and despicable nature. The notion of radicalism and its manifestations in society can be eliminated, if the undeserved practice no longer exists. The problem of radicalism can also be stopped with the active role and cooperation of all parties.