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Untung Hamonangan Panggabean
Untung Hamonangan Panggabean Mohon Tunggu... profesional -

Hipnoterapis, Penikmat Musik.




Cancer Dance©

22 September 2012   08:42 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   00:00 174
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

Inhale deep from your nose, hold for a second, exhale out of your nose also, and clench your teeth.

With eyes keep closing, do not think anything at your mind, let your breath path thinking what ever it wants to think inside that breath path.. so make it easy.. do not think anything, just enjoy the calmness, and the silences, and let your breath that do the thinking process. Keep this feeling for a minute. And than prepare to finish.




Breath Path

Thing to do along Breathing Exercises

Still Sit Down Position

Inhale deep from your nose, hold for a second, exhale out of your nose also, after this, Inhale deep from your nose, hold for a second, exhale out of your mouth.

With eyes keep closing, Inhale deep from your nose, hold for a second, exhale out of your nose also, after this, Inhale deep from your nose, hold for a second, exhale out of your mouth. And Smile… open your eyes..

Here also the video link, thank you.

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