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Untung Hamonangan Panggabean
Untung Hamonangan Panggabean Mohon Tunggu... profesional -

Hipnoterapis, Penikmat Musik.




Cancer Dance©

22 September 2012   08:42 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   00:00 174
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

Stand up position, Focus and Concentrate on your breath, feel your body become heavy and relax, and your breathing slower and deeper than before

Inhale deep from your nose, hold for a second, exhale out of your mouth

Close your eyes, and enter the right hand index finger and your left in your ear, while still concentrate on breathing you do, listen to universal energy flow in your body, like the sound of rushing waterfalls, listen carefully ... than be humble to your god (say his name), feel your humbleness and ask for cure and health, instead of need for perfection you will leave it only for God, and more accepting your self.. keep listen that cosmic energy flow vividly and clear for a seconds..


Healing Energy Concentration and Distribution, Neuro and Endocrine System Strengthening.


Breath Path

Thing to do along Breathing Exercises

Sit Down Position, you can sit duduk bersila, atau duduk diatas kedua kaki anda. Posisi duduk diatas kedua kaki anda lebih direkomendasikan.

Inhale deep from your nose, hold for a second, exhale out of your mouth

Close your eyes, point the position of your eyes behind your closed eyelids just like to see your hair through your forehead, and imagine there is a white light like a bright light shining in your forehead, continue to imagine and concentration while keeping your breathing deep and slow, then after a deep breath in from your nose, while breathing in as you draw or create the path of the breath hold up from under your navel to your crown, then breathe out through your mouth, and imagine when you do this, you throw away all your pains and negative emotions left out of your body, repeat it 2 times, and feel like there's the flow of energy that got to follow your breath when moving from below the navel at Inhale and concentrate on your crown, then point energy to the base of the back of your brain (upper part of your neck / vagus), feel it so real, and breathing slowly while continuing to perform as before, next point the energy stream to wards the heart inyour left chest, feel real, and then navigate back to your belly region and all other organs of your stomach, and then navigate to the whole body from your head to your toe. Repeat once again. And still when you breathe out imagine all diseases, negative feelings, the pain leaving your body.


Essential Imagery, Hyphenated©, DNA Harmonization, and Hormonal Balances Tuning.

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