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Ilham Dwi Hatmawan
Ilham Dwi Hatmawan Mohon Tunggu... Forensic Criminology - Universitas Indonesia

Ilham Dwi Hatmawan is a Forensic Criminology undergraduate student at the Universitas Indonesia. Ilham is interested in child protection and crime prevention based on human resource management. At the age of 22, Ilham has demonstrated his leadership skills through actively initiating various youth empowerment activities in Indonesia. In 2018-2020, Ilham was entrusted as the Chairperson of the Genre Jawa Tengah. During his leadership, the organization focused on marginalized communities with inadequate access to information, such as children deprived of liberty in Purworejo and children living in remote areas in Grobogan. In 2019, Ilham was selected as the Indonesia Participating Youth for the 46th Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program. His ability to facilitate discussions brought him to be the Discussion Facilitators' Assistant. After the program, Ilham and his contingent held a post-program activity at the Jakarta Children's Detention Center to provide psychological assistance for children deprived the liberty. Ilham believes that the realization of justice amongst the community can only occur if all parties understand that every people has different needs but has the same right to get fulfilled.




Pengendalian Sosial pada Situasi Bencana dalam Perspektif Kriminologis

19 Desember 2020   08:34 Diperbarui: 20 Desember 2020   21:54 1301
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Roodenburg, H., & Spierenburg, P. (2006). Social Control in Europe, 1500-1800 (Vol. 1). Ohio State University Press.

Henry, S., & Milovanovic, D. (2000). Constitutive criminology: Origins, core concepts, and evaluation. Social Justice, 27(2 (80), 268-290.

Teh, Y. K. (2008). The abuses and offences committed during the tsunami crisis. Asian Journal of Criminology, 3(2), 201-211. doi:10.1007/s11417-008-9050-7.

Zahnow, R., Wickes, R., Haynes, M., & Corcoran, J. (2017). Disasters and crime: The effect of flooding on property crime in brisbane neighborhoods. Journal of Urban Affairs, 39(6), 857-877. doi:10.1080/07352166.2017.1282778.

Tulisan ini disusun oleh Ilham Dwi Hatmawan, Athiya Ramadhian K., Shita Laila Nurjanah, dan Alif Ramadhan untuk mata kuliah Pengendalian Sosial Kejahatan dengan pembimbing Dr. Drs. Arthur Josias Simon Runturambi, M.Si.

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