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Peranan Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Menumbuhkan Nilai-nilai Multikultural di SD Eka Tjipta Kapuas Hulu

6 September 2024   22:09 Diperbarui: 6 September 2024   22:13 37
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS



SDS Eka Tjipta Muara Tawang  


Firdaus: The Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Fostering Multicultural Values in Students at Eka Tjipta Kapuas Hulu Elementary School

The educational process cannot be separated from the role of the teacher as the main figure in providing an example for students. The process of forming human character which is dominated by education will never be separated from the role of a teacher in guiding the course of learning. So in this case, education should also promote learning that can create new habits, in an effort to develop an attitude of tolerance in students. So that religious education with a multicultural perspective can be used as a solution in developing students' character that is inclusive and tolerant of differences.

This research aims to examine the role of Islamic Religious Education teachers in fostering multicultural values at SD Eka Tjipta Kapuas Hulu. Islamic Religious Education Teachers have a very important role in fostering multicultural values, especially the value of tolerance. In Islamic teachings, multicultural education is no longer foreign, but it is clearly stated in the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic education teachers only need to internalize multicultural teachings in the Qur'an and Hadith and integrate them into students' lives. With the existence of multicultural values, especially the value of tolerance in students, students will be able to live a social life and respect each other. This research uses qualitative methods by collecting data using interview, observation and documentation techniques. Meanwhile, the data validity guarantee technique uses source triagulation. The results of this research indicate that the role of PAI teachers in cultivating multicultural values in developing attitudes of tolerance at SD Eka Tjipta Kapuas Hulu is good. can be seen from several of its roles as follows: (a) Cultivating a Culture of Tolerance, (b) Instilling a No-Racist Attitude, (c) Morning Meeting (Familiarization), and (d) Providing equal treatment to Differences in Ability and Gender. Apart from that, the author identifies several factors that support Islamic Education Teachers when carrying out their duties as educators, teachers, mentors and trainers in implementing multicultural education, namely: (a) Worship Room Facilities, (b) Teachers from Various Religions, (c) Supporting Books, ( d) Culture of the Eka Tjipta Kapuas Hulu Elementary School Residents. Meanwhile, the factors that hinder PAI teachers from implementing multicultural education are as follows: (a) Teacher personality, (b) Children who are too comfortable with school culture, and (c) Parents who demand additional religious learning.

Keywords: Role of PAI Teachers, Multicultural Values.


Firdaus: Peranan Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Menumbuhkan Nilai-Nilai Multikultural Pada Siswa Di SD Eka Tjipta Kapuas Hulu.

Proses pendidikan tak lepas dari peran guru sebagai figur utama dalam memberi teladan bagi peserta didik. Proses pembentukan karakter manusia yang didominasi dengan jalan pendidikan juga tak akan pernah lepas dari peran seorangguru dalam menahkodai jalannya pembelajaran. Sehingga dalam hal ini, pendidikan juga semestinya mengusung pembelajaran yang dapat menciptakan kebiasaan baru, dalam upaya menumbuhkembangkan sikap toleransi kepada peserta didik. Sehingga pendidikan Agama yang berwawasan multikultural dapat dijadikan salah satu solusi dalam mengembangkan karater peserta didik yang inklusif dan toleran terhadap perbedaan.

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