The nature of Javanese thought and life cannot be separated from the beliefs that lie behind it. There are two basic layer features in Javanese belief, namely: dynamic-animistic and cosmic-monistic in nature. The two features are buried by layers colored by the influences of immigrant religions. That base layer never disappears. Actually, this original belief can develop, but because the adherents are still illiterate, so that only a religious conception is rooted in the sunubari of Javanese society. At the time of his encounter with immigrant religions, there was no essential amalgamation or mixing of conceptions, nor was there any destruction / fusion of the original conceptions of Javanese beliefs. However, it is more permissive to the original belief that is open to accepting, adopting and using the terminology of foreign religion. It turns out that the immigrant religion and the immigrant culture in the process of meeting the basic layers of Javanese belief, a new form (compromise) occurs which freely uses terminology that colors the development of its meaning, for example the term; Allah, Sang Hyang, Dewa, Bethara, Hong Milaheng, etc. Even though the basic layer of Javanese belief has not been systematized, through this scientific work we will try to trace it, then how to find a way to preach the gospel and build it up to those who already have such a background in word viev likeness. Therefore contextualization is not only a tool or strategy for evangelism, but also as a means of searching together for the meaning of the Gospel in the form of its elaboration in the holistic fabric of people's lives, because contextualization is more related to soteriological issues. Therefore the author of this work provides a solution to the problem of how the Bible can be translated and Christian faith is expressed in the context of a Javanese life without being deprived of the cultural roots and inheritance that has been received, so that the Javanese become Christians without losing their Javanese nature.
Keywords: Gospel Service, Community Development, Community, Javanese Culture
Antropologi adalah disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari tentang pandangan Timur terhadap kehidupan ini. Manfaat memahami disiplin ilmu tersebut  untuk mengetahui tingkah laku (behavioral science) yang mengamati secara total orang dan kelompoknya, yaitu kerjanya, ritualnya, pola membesarkan anak, seni, musik, agama, politik, organisasi masyarakat.( Punawan, 2002:3)
Paper ini  dibatasi hanya pada kepercayaan etnis Jawa yang tinggal di P.Jawa
Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kenyataannya masyarakat Jawa telah memiliki akar budaya yang lengkap dengan kepercayaan dan pandangan hidup dalam alam pikiranya sendiri. Masayarakat Jawa adalah komunitas yang tinggal dan hidup di sebagian besar  pulau Jawa, utamanya  di Tawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur, minus masyarakat Madura yang tinggal di P. Madura dan sekitar pantai utara Jawa Timur. Sedangkan di  Jawa Barat dihuni 97 % etnis Sunda; yang sisanya adalah etnis campuranÂ
Bahasan ini akan mencoba untuk menguak kepercayaan Jawa dengan segala ritualnya. Untuk itu akan di teliti, konsepsi tentang Tuhan, manusia, alam semesta dan relasi ketiganya  serta konsepsi tentang hidup dan kehidupan. Diharapkan setelah memahami hal itu,  kita dapat  mengupayakan bagaimana caranya Injil dapat dimengerti dan diterima mereka, sehingga mereka juga menjadi ahli waris kerajaan Allah.