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5 Jalan Merumuskan Teori Gravitasi Kuantum

11 September 2024   20:42 Diperbarui: 10 Oktober 2024   07:50 102
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

In quantum gravity, spacetime is no longer viewed as a smooth continuum but instead is expected to have a quantum structure at extremely small scales (the Planck scale). Just like the quantum fields that govern the other forces, spacetime would be subject to quantum fluctuations.

The ripples in spacetime (gravitational waves) would then be described by quantized excitations of the gravitational field, which are referred to as gravitons. These gravitons would be the hypothetical quantum particles that mediate gravitational interactions in a way analogous to how photons mediate electromagnetic interactions in QFT.

3. Spacetime Oscillations and Reconciliation with Quantum Field Theory:
If spacetime can oscillate like a quantum field, this opens up possibilities for unifying general relativity and quantum field theory in a single framework. This is the goal of quantum gravity. Some of the key approaches are:

(a) Perturbative Quantum Gravity:
This approach involves treating the gravitational field as a quantum field, similar to the other fields in QFT. In this context, gravitational waves are viewed as coherent states of gravitons (the quantized version of spacetime ripples). This method works well at low energies, but it runs into significant problems at higher energies, where the theory becomes non-renormalizable, meaning it generates infinite quantities that cannot be easily managed.

(b) String Theory:
String theory offers a different way to think about reconciling general relativity with quantum field theory. Instead of particles (like gravitons) being point-like, in string theory, they are seen as vibrating strings. These strings can represent both matter particles (like electrons) and force carriers (like photons and gravitons). In this framework, spacetime itself can emerge from the dynamics of strings, and gravitational interactions are described by the exchange of closed strings (which manifest as gravitons). String theory, therefore, attempts to quantize spacetime oscillations and mass-induced ripples within a consistent quantum framework.

(c) Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG):
LQG takes a more direct approach by trying to quantize spacetime itself. In this theory, spacetime is thought to be made up of discrete units, called spin networks. The ripples in spacetime caused by mass moving through it would correspond to changes in the structure of this quantum spacetime fabric. In this picture, spacetime is not continuous but made of small, quantized loops, and the ripples (like gravitational waves) are quantum phenomena.

4. Holographic Principle and Quantum Gravity:
Another approach that relates to spacetime oscillations and quantum fields is the holographic principle, which suggests that the description of a volume of spacetime can be encoded on its boundary. This concept comes from black hole physics, where the information of the black hole's interior seems to be encoded on its event horizon. 

The holographic principle hints at a deep connection between quantum field theory (QFT on the boundary) and the geometry of spacetime (general relativity in the bulk), and this could be another way to reconcile these two frameworks.

5. Effective Field Theories and Gravitational Waves:
In practical terms, gravitational waves themselves can be understood using effective field theory (EFT), a framework in which general relativity is seen as an approximation that breaks down at very high energies. Gravitational waves, which are oscillations in spacetime curvature, can be treated as low-energy phenomena. An effective quantum description of spacetime might be valid up to a certain scale (just as classical mechanics is an approximation of quantum mechanics at large scales), and at higher energies, a quantum theory of gravity would take over.


A Possible Path to Reconciliation?

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