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5 Jalan Merumuskan Teori Gravitasi Kuantum

11 September 2024   20:42 Diperbarui: 10 Oktober 2024   07:50 102
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

At the Planck scale, the concept of spacetime might emerge from the interactions of these strings, which could provide a quantum description of gravity. This would potentially modify Ricci geometry to account for quantum effects at the Planck scale.
The holographic principle, derived from string theory and black hole physics, also suggests that the information content of a region of spacetime can be described by quantum fields on the boundary of that region. This could provide a bridge between the quantum field theoretic description of spacetime and its geometric description in GR.

4. Asymptotic Safety and Renormalization of Gravity: Another approach is the asymptotic safety scenario, which proposes that gravity becomes renormalizable at very high energies (near the Planck scale). In this scenario, there is a non-trivial fixed point in the renormalization group flow of gravity, where quantum effects become important and modify the classical behavior of spacetime.

In this framework, length and time at the Planck scale would be influenced by quantum corrections, and the behavior of spacetime curvature (Ricci tensor) would change accordingly. The Ricci geometry might still apply but with quantum modifications at small scales, where spacetime no longer behaves classically.

5. Non-Commutative Geometry: Another speculative approach is non-commutative geometry, which modifies the standard notion of spacetime coordinates by introducing uncertainty relations similar to those in quantum mechanics. 

In this framework:

The coordinates of spacetime do not commute, meaning that there is an inherent uncertainty in measurements of spacetime position at very small scales (similar to the uncertainty principle for position and momentum in quantum mechanics).

This leads to a modification of the usual spacetime geometry, potentially reconciling QFT with GR by introducing quantum uncertainty into the fabric of spacetime itself.

Conclusion: A Path to Reconciliation

To reconcile QFT and GR, finding a formalism for length and time at the Planck scale within the framework of Ricci geometry is a promising approach. Several approaches to quantum gravity seek to modify or extend the classical Ricci geometry of general relativity to account for quantum effects at small scales:

Effective field theory approaches can introduce quantum corrections to classical GR.

Loop quantum gravity and discrete spacetime models suggest that spacetime itself is quantized at the Planck scale, and Ricci geometry emerges from a more fundamental quantum description.
String theory and the holographic principle propose new ways to think about spacetime, where it is an emergent concept from more fundamental quantum fields.

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