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May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




[Novel] I'm (Not) Allow to Love You [30]

26 Juni 2020   12:58 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2020   12:47 62
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"Lalu kenapa kau membawa itu?"

"Sudah kubilang, ini bukan urusanmu! Mulai sekarang kau berusaha sendiri mendekatinya, aku sudah muak!"

Aku tak lagi mengejar Youngkyong ketika dia berlari menjauh. Aku tak percaya pada apa yang kulihat dan kudengar. Aku tak bisa membawanya ke kantor polisi, dia temanku. Aku menyesali ketika mengadakan persetujuan dengannya. Aku tak menyangka dia melakukan sesuatu yang jahat seperti itu. Dan aku tak berani menceritakannya pada siapapun, kusimpan segalanya untuk diriku sendiri. Aku hanya perlu waspada dan mengawasi Youngkyong.


Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction. The similarity of the name, nature and character traits are accidental. The plot of the story is written using pure imagination of the author. The author also do not have all the songs in the playlist for this novel, but solely to help readers get the right feeling when listening to the song and read this novel. This novel concept is "Korean drama" with a cast that was introduced in cast trailers and included in the genre of fanfiction and romance. This novel is STRONGLY RATED for YOUNG ADULT starting from age 15 or more, it's not recommended for readers under that age. If there is a bad effect (such as forming a negative thought to follow the bad influence of this story), the author WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for it, since all of it is a work of fiction. This novel is also a part of ARTWORK. The author stated that there are some good moral values which also can be taken from this novel.

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