Mohon tunggu...
May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




"Simple Love" [02/03]

21 Desember 2018   11:54 Diperbarui: 21 Desember 2018   12:36 269
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                "It's okay noona. I just don't want to see you're sad, but... I know Hakyeon hyong loves you too. He is just being stubborn now, just like when he can't dance to some songs, he will being stubborn and learn until he can."

                "Maybe he is being stubborn to forget about me now," Sojin chuckled.

                "I'm trying to meet him but I keep on failed. I already told our friends, and they were scolded me a lot," Hongbin puts on bitter smile, "but they're willing to help. Each of us is take turn to waiting for him every day since around three days ago... but it seems like Hakyeon hyong even didn't go back to home."

                "But where did all of my cakes go?"

                "A housekeeper took it inside. We don't know how to find him. He's really being stubborn now, I guess."

                Both are silent now, thinking about Hakyeon. But finally Hongbin's eyes stare on Sojin's face seriously.

                "Noona, what do you feel right now? I mean it's about your body."

                "What do you mean?"

                "You look so pale, and skinny. It's getting serious now, noona. Tell me what's happening."

                "I don't understand what you mean but... it's yes I'm losing my appetite lately."

                "Because of Hakyeon hyong?"

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