Mohon tunggu...
May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




"Simple Love" [02/03]

21 Desember 2018   11:54 Diperbarui: 21 Desember 2018   12:36 269
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Sojin's mind turns blank. Suddenly she lost her words. It's too sudden. Since when did this cancer infect her body? At the first she went to hospital to do check-up, she never think that she would have such a deadly virus inside her body. She couldn't help but crying slowly.

                "Why... should I'm... the one who is having this cancer...? I never do anything bad to my body."

                Dr. Lee reach Sojin's shoulder and rubbing it slowly.

                "Sometimes it's not your fault, but we can try to find out. Is one of your relatives ever had this kind of disease?"

                Sojin is thinking hard before answered her, "my... past grandmother."

                "It can be one of the cause, the heredity. We recommend you to come quickly because your cancer type is chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) type that should be healed as soon as possible," suggest the doctor, "don't worry and let's work hard for your health."


The thirtieth day without you

"Truth is,

I miss you.

All the time,

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Mohon tunggu...

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