Mohon tunggu...
May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




"Simple Love" [02/03]

21 Desember 2018   11:54 Diperbarui: 21 Desember 2018   12:36 269
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"You didn't know my biggest fear:

Was that you didn't care."


I couldn't concentrate. The fact that it has been a week we still can't contact Sojin keeps on distract me. Jaehwan called Sojin's parents but they said Sojin isn't with them and also haven't contact them in the past half month. I've been criticized for my bad performance lately, but I rarely care about it. I wanna meet my girl. I wanna say sorry to her. I wanna tell her how much I love her. Only like that. Hopelessly, I got my phone to call her again, maybe for the hundred times already. But now Sojin's phone is turned on!

                "Sojin? Sojin it's me Hakyeon!"

                I was worried she won't answer my call since a long pause there, but finally I can hear her voice which I feel like a year didn't talk to her.

                "Hello Hakyeon..."

                I'm hardly realize it's really Sojin's voice. What makes me worry is her voice sounds so weak, so soft like a whisper only.

                "Sojin where are you? I've been searching for you!"

                Sojin is coughing a bit.

                "I'm in somewhere..."

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