California (USA) produces materials or Bacan cabochon green class, there are known as 'Californite' or by any other name 'Jade California' (probably due to a strong resemblance to jade). Even found also at the Jeffrey Mine in Quebec, Canada that produce the type Idocrase with good visual appearance, materials Idocrase yellow-green stone, as well as a variety of emerald green, violet rich in chromium and very rare.

Idocrase very popular among collectors, but less well known to traders and users jewelry. This may be due to still rare entrepreneurs who cultivate Idocrase become a major jewelry products for women as for necklaces, bracelets, pendants and other types of accessories. Likewise with Idocrase in Indonesia, most of them are still in the form of granules are embedded in male ring frame. One promising business opportunities with a wide open market if processed into a form of jewelry more attractive and classy.

Sumber google dan
Setelah penjabaran tentang asal usul distribusi dan penikmat maka sampailah kita ke tahap yang lebih lanjut yaitu tahap pengecekan KEASLIAN dari batu ini sendiri.
Dari semua jenis batuan hijau asal aceh yang oleh orang awam di sebut giok aceh dengan berbagai macam jenis dan nama seperti : -giok aceh
-bio solar
-exstra joss
-nefritjade aceh
- nephrite jade aceh
After a description of the origin and distribution of connoisseurs then we come to a more advanced stage is the stage of checking authenticity of the stone itself.
Of all kinds of green rocks origin acehnese by laymen called jade Aceh with various types and names such as: -giok Aceh
-bio solar
-exstra joss
-nefrit jade Aceh
- Nephrite jade Aceh
Mengapa Giok Aceh di cantumkan “Nephrite Jade” bukan “Aceh Jade” ?
Dan mengapa Lumut Aceh atau idocrase di cantumkan “vesuvianite” bukan aceh idocrase ?
Karena di dalam disiplin ilmu gemology hanya ada dua dua nama yang secara ilmiah di akui oleh Gemolog untuk di “sertifikasi” keaslian dan naturalnya dan nama tersebut adalah :