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Wisely Chow
Wisely Chow Mohon Tunggu... -

scientist.hip hop rapp musician,businessman





8 Februari 2015   15:47 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   11:36 20189
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Perburuan batu Giok Aceh atau batu hijau di kawasan pegunungan Singgah Mata, Kecamatan Beutong, Kabupaten Nagan Raya sejak beberapa bulan terakhir dilaporkan semakin marak di wilayah pedalaman ini.

Dampak pengerukan tanah yang dilakukan pemburu batu yang disebut-sebut semi permata ini telah menyebabkan ratusan hektare lahan hutan lindung yang harusnya dilindungi negara kini telah rusak akibat galian tanah yang dilakukan pemburu batu permata tersebut menggunakan alat berat.

“ Maraknya aktivitas pemburuan batu Giok Aceh atau batu hijau di pegunungan Singgah Mata ini akibat nilai jualnya yang sangat tinggi, karena batu alam ini disebut-sebut jenis semi batu permata, ”


Jade Aceh not less great with Jade stone global origin from China. One of them is jade. Turns jade origin 'neggri between' has high levels of precious stones. It could even be synchronized with precious stones such as diamonds or high value gems.

It is recognized directly by hunters Central Aceh's natural stone origin who is now acting in Banda Aceh, that jade origin Gayo Moh hardness levels' s very high.

"Jade Gayo / Aceh are already in hardness in the laboratory in Jakarta has a hardness level reaches 7, 3 Moh Scale 's,"

Jade that has a hardness level of 7, 2 Scale Moh's is the jade oil or sugarcane juice. obtained from Lumut, Isaq Central Aceh. One non-processed rocks can be sold at a price of Rp 4 million.

Jade best in Central Aceh has a quality number two in the world, where Stone Class I, Value Hardware between 8 to 10, Stone class II, Value Hardware between 7 till 8 and Stone Class III which is classified as a class rock types of precious stones and precious stones responsibility, the value of the rigors of approximately 7, mostly consisting of grit acid (kiezelzuur), except turquoise (tuquois)

Jade origin or Central Aceh Gayo particularly sought-after players and lovers of world class rock. In fact, the origin Gayo jade market share has come to Singapore and Japan.

This type of jade stones, in Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah most numerous in Isaq, Reket invisibility, Kala Ile, wak, Kalampu, Moss, bergang, Digul, Serule, tweezers, Toweren, Stars and Betong border.

Aceh's natural stone is also now the target of foreign nationals that include Amethyst Wulung, Five Colors Solomon, Badr Iron, Yakut, Jade and Stone Lumut.

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