Jade stone hunts Aceh or green stone in the mountains of Eye Drop, District Beutong, Nagan Raya since the last few months was reported increasingly prevalent in these rural areas.
Impact of land dredging carried rock hunter-called semi gem has led to hundreds of hectares of protected forest land should be protected by the state which has now been damaged by excavation conducted gemstone hunter using heavy equipment.
"The rise of hunting activities in Aceh Jade stone or a green stone in the mountains Eye Drop is due to a very high resale value, because natural stone is mentioned types of semi-precious stones,"
Mengingat lahan yang dikeruk oleh pekerja dan masyarakat ini tidak beraturan dan berlokasi tidak di satu tempat. Melainkan di lokasi yang dianggap terdapat batu hijau atau Batu Giok Aceh guna dilakukan pengerukan dan diambil secara tidak beraturan.
Penggalian bebatuan di kawasan hutan lindung tersebut merupakan aktivitas ilegal alias tak berizin resmi dari Pemkab Nagan Raya. Mengingat setiap adanya aktivitas penambangan hasil alam atau pengerukan tanah melebihi di atas 10 meter maka diwajibkan untuk dilakukan pengurusan izin.
Keaslian alam dijamin
Given land dredged by the workers and the public is not uniform and is not located in one place. But in a location that is considered there is a green stone or Jade Aceh to do the dredging and taken irregularly.
Rock excavation in the protected forest area is unlicensed illegal activity alias official of Nagan Raya regency. Given any mining activity of natural products or dredging above ground exceeds 10 meters then obligated to do permit.
Natural authenticity guaranteed
Sumber :
Setelah di bahas panjang lebar Dari sejak sang pionir ataupun komando giok aceh Kopjend Teuku Fadly
mulai berjuang sampai dengan penjabaran tentang MINAT,HARGA,KWALITAS,KEINDAHAN,KEUNIKAN,DAYA TARIKNYA,
Perlu kita ketahui juga bahwa :
After having aving discussed at length since the pioneers of commando or jade Aceh Kopjend Teuku Fadly
began to struggle up to the elaboration of INTEREST, PRICE, QUALITY, BEAUTY, uniqueness, attractiveness,
We need to know also that:
Sebenarnya dengan artikel inilah penulis mau menjabarkan tentang perbedaan antara :
Kalau perbedaan antar LUMUT ACEH dengan SUNGAI DAREH sudah di jabarkan di atas maka perbedaan antar
GIOK ACEH (Nephrite Jade) dan LUMUT ACEH (Idocrase) apabila di jabarkan secara ilmiah adalah SBB :
Actually with this article the author would describe the difference between:
"Jade ACEH, moss ACEH AND RIVER dareh"