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Indah W.
Indah W. Mohon Tunggu...

: a wandering soul in her journey to the final destination..




Being A Comforter

14 Mei 2010   14:20 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:12 43
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If you can do all the above things.. congratulations!! You're now a common comforter!!

*throwing confetti mode is on :p*

But I can't do it that wayy..

I can't curse someone with them just because that someone has hurted them so badly for I do think we all have our own shares in each problems that we have so it just doesn't feel right to put all the blame in one person only :p

But of course I can't say that to them, right? Ahahahaa.. otherwise I might have things being thrown at me :p

Even if the other person was a real jerk, we did have our "mistakes", too, which was.. letting ourselves to be so drown in our emotions whileas we can do the other way, ahahaha :p

But I do "comfort" them in a wayy.. in making them see (although I must sayy not always succeeded for my friend once said that sometimes we just wanted to be listened and we didn't need any advices, huahahaha ;p) that in time things will be better.

Let it rain now but make sure you do know that sunshine will always follow the rain, huahahahaha :D

But at times I can be a partly comforter, too.

I can do the sit and listen part though I skip the nodding and answering part, wakakakakak..

Heyy.. I can compromise my own "principles" sometimes but no need to give up all, right? :p

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