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Membantu Persiapan IELTS dengan target 7.0 keatas untuk persiapan kuliah di luar negeri. Achieve your target at the FIRST ATTEMPT. Do not let IELTS become your weakness, instead let it be your ticket to future success. Kelas Privat dengan Tutor Lulusan Master of TESOL , Master of Education dari Australia , UK, USA , tutor lokal memilki band 7.5 keatas dengan pengalaman 5 tahu lebih. IELTS tidak sesulit yang Anda bayangkan!



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Tips Mendapatkan Nilai 7.0+ untuk IELTS Speaking Test Part 3: Two Way Discussion

11 Agustus 2022   16:49 Diperbarui: 11 Agustus 2022   17:21 225
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No, usually I don't think they are doing enough. There are countries that do what they can do help their people when problems occur and they are trying to come up with measures to mitigate the effects but when it comes to the major issue of global warming countries are not doing enough. We see time and again that no agreement can be made on how to reduce carbon footprints. This is usually because governments know that to make a serious reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, they will have to sacrifice economic growth and they are not prepared to do this. Governments think very short-term. They know that if there is economic decline, then they will be voted out

Pola untuk jawaban di atas sama dengan pertanyaan 1 dan 2 karena yang ditanya adalah opini kalian.

  1. Tell me about the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days? 

There are some environmental problems that are currently affecting countries. Although it has not been proven for sure, there is a great deal of consensus about the fact that global warming is leading to severe weather change and this is resulting in many problems. We are seeing a lot of countries with the same problems that they have always had but on a much larger scale. For example, in the United States there seem to be far more hurricanes and tornadoes than in the past, with more devastating effects. There seems to constantly be news of serious flooding in many countries from Asia to Europe. Forest fires also seem to be getting worse, particularly each year in Australia.

Karena kita diminta untuk menjelaskan beberapa permasalahan yang sedang memepengatuhi negara-negara maka paling mudah mengikuti pola seperti ini:

There are some/several ... + first probelm + example + (second problem + example if needed)

Questions and answers taken and adapted from:

Well, semoga tips-tips speaking pada tulisan sebelumnya dan kali ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kalian semua. Good Luck!

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