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Membantu Persiapan IELTS dengan target 7.0 keatas untuk persiapan kuliah di luar negeri. Achieve your target at the FIRST ATTEMPT. Do not let IELTS become your weakness, instead let it be your ticket to future success. Kelas Privat dengan Tutor Lulusan Master of TESOL , Master of Education dari Australia , UK, USA , tutor lokal memilki band 7.5 keatas dengan pengalaman 5 tahu lebih. IELTS tidak sesulit yang Anda bayangkan!



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Tips Mendapatkan Nilai 7.0+ untuk IELTS Speaking Test Part 3: Two Way Discussion

11 Agustus 2022   16:49 Diperbarui: 11 Agustus 2022   17:21 225
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Di part 3 ini, kalian akan diberikan pertanyaan lanjutan terkait dengan topik di part 2. Jika kalian di part 2 dapat topik "family" maka part 3 akan "family" juga dan seterusnya. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di part 3 ini akan lebih cenderung menanyakan pendapat kalian dan oleh karena itu, kalian perlu dengan jelas menyampaikannya. 

Tips: Ingat, tidak ada jawaban yang benar atau salah dalam IELTS speaking, benar atau tidak jawaban kalian tergantung bagaimana kalian menjelaskan jawaban kalian. 

Kalian bisa lihat contoh-contoh dibawah ini agar lebih jelas:

Contoh 1 (Topic: Old or Elderly people):

  1. What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?

There are some advantages to that situation. Old people are very knowledgeable so the obvious advantage is that you'll have somebody to consult whenever there's a problem. As they are very experienced, they can give advice on all aspects of life including work, friendship and love. Other than that, elders are usually reliable. So, if you have some things that need fixing, they usually are able to do it or can help you in fixing them.

Jika kalian perhatikan jawaban di atas, ini adalah salah satu cara paling mudah dalam memberikan pendapat kita jika yang ditanyakan advantages, benefits, disadvantages dan harmful. Kalian tinggal mengikuti template seperti ini:

There are some/several ... + first advantage + example + second advantage + example

Dengan mengikuti pola tersebut jawaban kalian akan lebih terstruktur dan mudah dipahami.

  1. Is there anything that older people should learn from the younger generation?

Of course, yes. Young generations are often more familiar with the latest trends and technology; therefore, they can keep the elderly updated on these things. For example, my mum didn't know how to use Facebook and I had to spend a few hours helping her create an account then connect with her friends. Now she is very active on Facebook, even more active than I am.

Di contoh jawaban ini, pola yang bisa kalian tiru adalah:

Jawaban (Yes or No) + Argumen kalian + Contoh

  1. What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?

There are several qualities that one has to have to take care of old people. The two most important ones are compassion and patience, I guess. Old people sometimes have unreasonable requests, especially when they're sick or insecure. You need to understand these feelings and be patient. For example, my dad has become quite forgetful recently; he often forgets where he leaves his key or wallet. This was quite annoying at first but I'm getting used to it.

Sama halnya dengan contoh jawaban nomor 1, jawaban ini juga memiliki pola yang sama:

There are some/several ... + first quality + example + (second quality + example if needed)

  1. Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?

Yes, if they're capable of working. I know some old people who look a lot younger than their age and work very efficiently. Nowadays, living standards and healthcare have improved significantly, as a result, people live much longer. It is only natural to have the working-age limits extended.

Cara jawab untuk pertanyaan ini bisa mengikuti pola jawaban nomor 2:

Jawaban (Yes or No) + Argumen kalian + Contoh

Questions and answers taken and adapted from:

Contoh 2 (Topic: Environment):

  1. What do you consider to be the world's worst environmental disaster caused by humans?  

I think that may be the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine. In that case there was an explosion and nuclear meltdown. It caused great loss of life. The environment was badly affected and it is still affected today and could be for many years. There are also many people who are still getting sick from the disaster and no one can live anywhere near the site. Of course, there are many other serious ones, some more recent such as the oil spills in Africa and the US.

Pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang opini kalian jadi harus diawali dengan frase yang menunjukkan opini kalian seperti; I think, I believe, I assume dan seterusnya; Pola yang bisa kalian tiru seperti ini:

Frase yang menunjukkan opini + that + argument + elaboration (kalimat-kalimat penjelasan terkait argument yang kalian pilih)

  1. Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the future?

I don't think there will necessarily be more. Procedures are always getting tighter so in theory there should be fewer, but mistakes will always happen so I'm sure they will continue unfortunately. Governments must continue to prosecute any companies that do cause environments problems or disasters so that they are less likely to happen again

Pola untuk jawaban di atas sama dengan pertanyaan 1 karena yang ditanya adalah opini kalian.

  1. Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems? 

No, usually I don't think they are doing enough. There are countries that do what they can do help their people when problems occur and they are trying to come up with measures to mitigate the effects but when it comes to the major issue of global warming countries are not doing enough. We see time and again that no agreement can be made on how to reduce carbon footprints. This is usually because governments know that to make a serious reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, they will have to sacrifice economic growth and they are not prepared to do this. Governments think very short-term. They know that if there is economic decline, then they will be voted out

Pola untuk jawaban di atas sama dengan pertanyaan 1 dan 2 karena yang ditanya adalah opini kalian.

  1. Tell me about the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days? 

There are some environmental problems that are currently affecting countries. Although it has not been proven for sure, there is a great deal of consensus about the fact that global warming is leading to severe weather change and this is resulting in many problems. We are seeing a lot of countries with the same problems that they have always had but on a much larger scale. For example, in the United States there seem to be far more hurricanes and tornadoes than in the past, with more devastating effects. There seems to constantly be news of serious flooding in many countries from Asia to Europe. Forest fires also seem to be getting worse, particularly each year in Australia.

Karena kita diminta untuk menjelaskan beberapa permasalahan yang sedang memepengatuhi negara-negara maka paling mudah mengikuti pola seperti ini:

There are some/several ... + first probelm + example + (second problem + example if needed)

Questions and answers taken and adapted from:

Well, semoga tips-tips speaking pada tulisan sebelumnya dan kali ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kalian semua. Good Luck!

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  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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