Of course, yes. Young generations are often more familiar with the latest trends and technology; therefore, they can keep the elderly updated on these things. For example, my mum didn't know how to use Facebook and I had to spend a few hours helping her create an account then connect with her friends. Now she is very active on Facebook, even more active than I am.
Di contoh jawaban ini, pola yang bisa kalian tiru adalah:
Jawaban (Yes or No) + Argumen kalian + Contoh
What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?
There are several qualities that one has to have to take care of old people. The two most important ones are compassion and patience, I guess. Old people sometimes have unreasonable requests, especially when they're sick or insecure. You need to understand these feelings and be patient. For example, my dad has become quite forgetful recently; he often forgets where he leaves his key or wallet. This was quite annoying at first but I'm getting used to it.
Sama halnya dengan contoh jawaban nomor 1, jawaban ini juga memiliki pola yang sama:
There are some/several ... + first quality + example + (second quality + example if needed)
Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?
Yes, if they're capable of working. I know some old people who look a lot younger than their age and work very efficiently. Nowadays, living standards and healthcare have improved significantly, as a result, people live much longer. It is only natural to have the working-age limits extended.
Cara jawab untuk pertanyaan ini bisa mengikuti pola jawaban nomor 2:
Jawaban (Yes or No) + Argumen kalian + Contoh