English Expressions (Ungkapan penting dalam b Inggris)
Self introduction (perkenalan diri)
- Hello, My name is Rini
- Good morning. My name is Rini
- How do you do? My name is Rini
- Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rini
- I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rini
Introducing someone to someone elseÂ
(Memperkenalkan seseorang kepada orang lain)
Rini        : Diana, I'd like to introduce  you to my suvervisor, Mr. Setyawan
Diana        : How do you do, Mr. Setyawan ?
Mr. Setyawan  : How do you do Diana?
Rini        : Diana, allow me to introduce you to Uncle David from England.
Diana        : I'm very pleased to meet you, Uncle David.
Uncle David   : I'm very pleased to meet you too, Diana.
Contoh soal Ujian dan pembahasan
- Emma        :  Hi  I 'm  Emma.
- Melany             :  ......
- How do you do?
- How are you?
- Nice to see you.
- Hello . I'm  Melany.
- Pleased to meet you
Jawaban      : DÂ
Pembahasan   : Emma memperkenalkan diri pada Melany Dengan menyapa dan menyebutkan
namanya "Hi, I'm Emma. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan D
Expressing sympathy (Ungkapan rasa simpati)
We offer (menawarkan) Â our condolences (kedukaan/belasungkawa) Â when something bad has happened to someone else.
- I am sorry (Saya turut bersedih/berduka)
- I am very sorry to hear about your father
- I feel sorry for your lost
- Please accept  my sympathy (mohon terima rasa simpatiku)
- Let me offer (menawaran) my condolences (kedukaan)
- Let me tell you how sorry I am to hear about your brother
- Â
Responding to condolences (menanggapi turut belasungkawa)
- Thank you
- That's very kind (baik hati) Â of you
- That's how it should be
Contoh soal ujian dan pembahasan
- Rosi         : I heard your grandmother is ill now
- Dina         : Yes, she is. She has been in the hospital for almost one week
- Rosi         :  . . . . .
- Dina         : Thank you, she is getting better now
- It's terrible.(mengerikan)
- I'm sorry to hear that. Â Â
- She is fine. Â Â Â Â Â Â
- Are you okay?
- Is the hospital far (jauh)?
- Jawaban      : B
- Pembahasan   : mendengar nenek Dina sakit, Rosi menyampaikan rasa simpatinya dengan mengucapkan "I'm sorry to hear that."
Asking for Advice (meminta nasihat) / suggestionÂ
Advise/ suggest=v. Â menasihatiÂ
- Can you give me some advice(nasehat)
- Do you have any advice for me?
- If you were me, what would you do?
- Do you think I should tell the teacher?
- Should I consult my parents about this matter/ problem?
Offering Advice/ suggestion (menawarkan nasihat)
- I advise you to move  to a new house
- I suggest (menyarankan) Â that you buy the motorbike next year .
- If I were you, I would stop cheating (menyontek) during(selama) exam
- I think you'd better study harder next time.
- You should consult your parents immediately(dengan segera)
- before the matter gets worse.(memburuk)
- Contoh soal ujian dan pembahasan
- Doctor : Ma'am, if you really want to reduce(mengurangi) your weight(berat),. . . .
- Patient : Alright, Doctor. I'll try.
- You may not eat too many snacks every day.
- You might not eat too many snacks every day.
- You should not (seharusnya tidak)eat too many snacks every day.
- You could not eat too many snacks every day.
- You can not eat too many snacks every day.
- Jawaban      : C
- Pembahasan   : Dokter menyarankan pasiennya agar jangan mengkonsumsi terlalu banyak snak.
Expressing Necessity (keharusan)
- You must obey (mentaati) Â your parents
- You must study hard if you want to pass  (lulus) the exams (ujian) with satisfying grades
- You must be creative and innovative if you want to be a successful entrepreneur
- You must not cheat (menyontek) during exams
- You must not miss (meninggalkan) classes without permission
- You have to (harus)go bed early to be able to wake up early the next morning
- You don't have to follow all your friends' bad habits if you don't want to stupid
- You don't have to buy new uniform (seragam)
- Contoh soal Ujian  dan pembahasan
- Deni   : I really don't know what I have to do to make Mrs. Liam pass me next term
- Irawan : Mrs. Liam's exam will be about understanding.Â
- Â You just have to study hard .
- Deni   : Ohh....... that's the problem in understanding the materials.
- Irawan : don't worry. I'll help you
- The underlined sentence shows . . . .
- Agreement                         d.    compliment (pujian)
- Support (dukungan) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â e. Â Â Â preference (kesukaan)
- Necessity (keharusan)
- Jawaban      : C
- Pembahasan   : kalimat yang digaris bawahi pada kalimat diatas adalah kalimat
- yang menyatakan keharusan. Hal ini ditandai adanya frase have to
Expressing likes
- I like friendly and kind people
- I really like studying Indonesian language (bahasa )
- I enjoy writing  stories about children
- I love meeting with new people
- I really love it when my school holds (menyelenggarakan) a musical performance
Expressing dislikes
- I dislike driving in rush-hour traffic (lalu lintas jam sibuk)
- I hate people who smoke in public areas
- I don't like people who always late
- I can't stand it when people snap (membentak) at each other
- It bothers (mengganggu-v) Â me when someone acts rudely (dengan kasar) to the elderly (orang tua)
- Contoh soal Ujian dan pembahasan
- Deasy  : Donald, what do you want for lunch?
- Donald : I want meatball. I really like meatball.
- Deasy  : okay, I'll prepare it for you
- The underlined sentence shows . . . .
- Ability (kemampuan) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â d. Â Â Â surprise
- Like                                                e.    necessity
- Pride (kebanggaan)
- Jawaban      : B
- Pembahasan   : kalimat yang digarisbawahi menunjukkan kesukaan, sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah (b) like
Expressing surprise (kejutan)
- What a surprise! (betapa mengejutkan)
- This is a really surprise!
- What shocking news (betapa ini berita yang mengejutkan)
- I don't believe it!
- Are you kidding? (apakah kamu bercanda)
- You must be joking! (kamu pasti bercanda)
- Really?
- It's surprising that he just made her biggest dream come true (menjadi kenyataan).
- Contoh soal ujian dan pembahasan
- Tika    : I can't believe it! My mom just won  (memenangkan)10 million rupiah! Oh, my God!
- Gery   : That's a great, huh!
- Tika    : It is!
- The underlined sentences shows . . . .
- Regret (penyesalan) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â d. Â Â Â surprise
- Inability (ketidakmampuan) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â e. Â Â Â pride (kebanggaan)
- Apology (permohonan maaf)
- Jawaban      : D
- Pembahasan   : kalimat yang digarisbawahi pada percakapan diatas adalah ekspresi terkejut, sehingga pilihan yang benar adalah (d) surprise
Expressing pride (kebanggaan)
- I'm proud (bangga) Â of you.
- You should be proud and feel lucky to have daughter like her.
- Contoh soal dan pembahasan  Â
- Ronald : it was of my toughest  game ever, Mom! Finally, I beat (mengalahkan) him. Tough (ulet) toughest(paling ulet)
- Mother : . . . .
- I'm sorry to hear that. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â d. Â Â It's alright.
- How awful! (betapa hebat!)            e.  I'm proud of your victory                                                                      (kemenangan)
- What a terrible news!
- Jawaban      : E
pembahasan   : Ronald mengungkapkan kegembiraannya memnangkan pertandingan. Ibunya bangga pada anaknya dengan mengucapkan "I'm proud of your victory."  Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan (e)
Expressing ability (kemampuan)
- My sister can play the violin beautifully. (saudariku dapat memainkan biola..)
- I am able to speak English fluently (saya mampu berbicara bahasa Inggris  dengan fasih)
- He is capable of using a computer.
Expressing inability (ketidakmampuan)
- I cannot sing a song
- She is unable to ride on a bicycle
- He is incapable of swimming (Ia tak mampu berenang)
- Contoh soal ujian  dan pembahasan
- Dewi   : Can you move the table?
- Dena   : I've tried, but I couldn't move even an inch of it. It just too heavy.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â The underlined sentence shows . . . .
- Surprise                           d. like
- Inability                           e. advice
- Ability
- Jawaban      : B
- Pembahasan   : dena menyatakan ketidaksanggupannya untuk memindah meja dengan mengatakan,  " I couldn't move even an inch of it."
Expressing apology (permohonan maaf)
- I'm sorry that I forgot to bring your book.
- I'm very sorry that I'm late.
- I'm extremely sorry, but, I've lost your ring.
- I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know you were busy.
- I'd like to apologize (saya ingin mhn maaf) for leaving school without permission.
- Please accept (terimalah) my apologies for what I did to you last week.
- Contoh soal ujian dan pembahasan
- Harry  : I'm terribly sorry I missed  (terlewat) your show last week.
- Jonas   : that's okay. I understand.
- In this dialog, Harry expresses . . . .
- Necessity (keharusan) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â d. Â Â Â apology
- Surprise                            e.    satisfaction (kepuasan)
- Pride (kebanggaan)
- Jawaban      : D
- Pembahasan   : harry meminta maaf karena tidak bisa menonton acara Jonas minggu lalu dengan mengucapkan "I'm terribly sorry . . . ." jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan (d) "apology"
Offering help (menawarkan bantuan)
- Can I help you?
- May I help you?
- Shall I get something for you?
- What can I do for you?
- Would you like me to do something for you?
Accepting help (menerima bantuan)
- Yes, please
- Thank you
- That would be very nice.
Refusing help (menolak bantuan)
- No, thank you
- No, thanks
- It's all right. I can do it on my own.
- Contoh soal dan pembahasan
- Shopkeeper    : . . . .
- Mrs. Diana          : yes, please. I need two kilos of meat.
- What can I do for you Maam?
- How are you, Ma 'am?
- Hello, Ma 'am. Let me to introduce myself.
- Could you help me, please?
- Do you want me to get you some kilos of tomatoes?
- Jawaban      : A
- Pembahasan   : penjaga toko menawarkan bantuan pada pembelinya dengan mengucapkan "What can I do for you Ma 'am?". Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan (a)
Offering an invitation (menawarkan undangan)
- I'd like to  (ingin) ask (meminta) you to visit my new house.
- I'd like to invite you to my birthday party next week.
- Would you like to go to the cinema with me on Sunday night?
- How about going to the concert with me  tonight?
Accepting an invitation (menerima undangan)
- Thank you, I'd love to.
- Yes thank you. I'd be happy to come.
- Thank you so much for inviting me
- Great
- Sure.
Refusing an invitation (menolak undangan)
- I'm so sorry, I'm afraid I can't.
- I'm sorry, I'll be very busy at that time. What about the week after that?
- Contoh soal dan pembahasan
- Wenti  : Vera, where will you go next Sunday?
- Vera   : nowhere. Why?
- Wenti  : what about going to Reno's birthday with me?
- Vera   : sure (pasti)
- Vera is . . . .
- Offering an invitation                 d.    accepting help
- Offering help                       e.   refusing help
- Accepting an invitation
- Jawaban      : C
- Pembahasan   : vera menjawab undangan wenti dengan mengatakan "sure" yang menandakan persetujuannya.
Asking permission (meminta izin)
- May I open the window?
- May I go to toilet, please?
- Do you mind if I sat here?
- Can I go and see a movie tomorrow night?
- Please let me study together with you.
- Could I use the telephone, please?
- Would you mind (keberatan) if I had more snacks?
Giving permission (memberikan izin)
- Sure, go ahead (pasti, lanjut)
- No, I don't mind. (tidak saya tidak keberatan)
- You have my permission
- Yes certainly.
- Yes, of course.
- Yes, OK.
- No, not at all. (tidak , tidak sama sekali)
Refusing permission (menolak memberi izin)
- No, you may not. (tidak, kamu tidak boleh)
- Yes, I do mind. (ya , saya sangat keberatan)
- No, I'm afraid not.
- No, I don't think so
- No, you can't
- I will not permit you.
- Contoh soal dan pembahasan
- Secretary      : I'm terribly to interrupt the meeting, . . . .
- Director            : yes, but be quick. We are discussing a serious matter here.
- Can you stop the meeting? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â d. Â Â Â are you busy?
- May I talk to you for a minute? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â e. can you help me?
- Do you mind letting me in?
- Jawaban      : sekretaris meminjam kepada direktur untuk berbicara dengannya. Ungkapan -- ungkapan untuk mengisi rumpang diatas adalah "May I talk to you for a minute?"
- Â
- A; My father passed away yesterday
- B; I am sorry to hear that
- A: Thank's
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