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Maskatno Giri
Maskatno Giri Mohon Tunggu... Guru - 🌄©Mas Guru B.INGGRIS SMA,The Alumnus of English P PS UNS SURAKARTA

🌄Sukatno Wonogiri, known as Maskatno Giri, the alumnus of English P PS UNS Surakarta, the owner of a learning blog for his students



Ilmu Sosbud

Kumpulan Ungkapan Bahasa Inggris (English Expressions) Beserta Contoh Soalnya

16 Oktober 2023   12:15 Diperbarui: 24 Desember 2023   15:49 243
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Accepting an invitation (menerima undangan)

  • Thank you, I'd love to.
  • Yes thank you. I'd be happy to come.
  • Thank you so much for inviting me
  • Great
  • Sure.

Refusing an invitation (menolak undangan)

  • I'm so sorry, I'm afraid I can't.
  • I'm sorry, I'll be very busy at that time. What about the week after that?
  • Contoh soal dan pembahasan
  • Wenti   : Vera, where will you go next Sunday?
  • Vera     : nowhere. Why?
  • Wenti   : what about going to Reno's birthday with me?
  • Vera     : sure (pasti)
  • Vera is . . . .
  • Offering an invitation                                d.      accepting help
  • Offering help                                             e.     refusing help
  • Accepting an invitation
  • Jawaban          : C
  • Pembahasan    : vera menjawab undangan wenti dengan mengatakan "sure" yang menandakan persetujuannya.

Asking permission (meminta izin)

  • May I open the window?
  • May I go to toilet, please?
  • Do you mind if I sat here?
  • Can I go and see a movie tomorrow night?
  • Please let me study together with you.
  • Could I use the telephone, please?
  • Would you mind (keberatan) if I had more snacks?

Giving permission (memberikan izin)

  • Sure, go ahead (pasti, lanjut)
  • No, I don't mind. (tidak saya tidak keberatan)
  • You have my permission
  • Yes certainly.
  • Yes, of course.
  • Yes, OK.
  • No, not at all. (tidak , tidak sama sekali)

Refusing permission (menolak memberi izin)

  • No, you may not. (tidak, kamu tidak boleh)
  • Yes, I do mind. (ya , saya sangat keberatan)
  • No, I'm afraid not.
  • No, I don't think so
  • No, you can't
  • I will not permit you.
  • Contoh soal dan pembahasan
  • Secretary          : I'm terribly to interrupt the meeting, . . . .
  • Director                       : yes, but be quick. We are discussing a serious matter here.
  • Can you stop the meeting?                                    d.      are you busy?
  • May I talk to you for a minute?                         e. can you help me?
  • Do you mind letting me in?

  • Jawaban          : sekretaris meminjam kepada direktur untuk berbicara dengannya. Ungkapan -- ungkapan untuk mengisi rumpang diatas adalah "May I talk to you for a minute?"
  • A; My father passed away yesterday
  • B; I am sorry to hear that
  • A: Thank's

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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