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Peace 2011
Peace 2011 Mohon Tunggu... -

struggle to be free and compassionate,\r\nbut also critical and prophetic




How Shall I Remember him ?

27 Oktober 2011   14:19 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   00:26 39
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and could we simply cut the connection of present , past and future generations ?

could i really say that i had nothing to do with the past ?

or, could the present generation just have to be attached and learn to the noble things happened in the past but when comes to the inhuman reality that caused harmful history then just leave it even throw away .... I think, we better and must learn from both realities .....

I know this might too harsh to carry, to understand ... but, that's the consequence of those who want to bear the truth, to love the truth and live in it ....

Let me share to you, dad, one inspiring message addressed by Paul Oestreicher, one of SCM senior members from UK who were a former member of Amnesty International and a chaplain in Sussex University {he made this comment over my reaction to Professor Baum's insight on being Prophetic Community } .....he told of his painful journey towards forgiveness of his own similar inheritance. He spoke of the fact that his own family had contained members on both sides of the gates of Auschwitz and that one German uncle had been in the position to send his Jewish German grandparent to her death in a concentration camp during the Second World War.

His perspective was to remember that human beings are not intrinsically good or evil as individuals, but that as human beings we are all capable of going either way. His words to the Assembly i attended in Montreal 2008 emphasized the importance of understanding our humanity and spoke of healing and forgiveness as the way forward.

I told Paul that healing and forgiveness could only take place whenever there is a sincere and honest acknowledge of the harmful action committed as well as commitment to transform for a better future..


Yet, father... have you ever know that one of my best friends whose house became my home while i stay and work in TL, has lost her real parents, her dad and mom - also either way, her parents lost her - due to that war ? what an unfair game of human's life !

She was separated consciously when she was five or six from her family, her culture, her homeland ... and had been raised by a family, a new dad and mom that not hers .... wasn't that terrible story ? while when she grew to adult and decided to trace her real mom and dad, but finally she ended up with a mother who desperately claimed her as her daughter and still she could felt that mother is not her real mom, but what she could do ?

there are lots of parents who lost their children and similar to lots of kids who lost their parents due to the war...... ???

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