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Inovasi Pendidikan Membentuk Generasi Indonesia yang Bertanggung Jawab terhadap Teknologi Digital

11 Juli 2023   13:16 Diperbarui: 11 Juli 2023   13:20 266
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Inovasi Pendidikan Membentuk Generasi Indonesia yang Bertanggung Jawab terhadap Teknologi Digital 

Novia Dewi Sulistyarini

Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang 

Corresponding email: 


The purpose of this research is to find out that educational innovation has shaped a generation of Indonesians who are responsible for digital technology. This research is a research that uses qualitative methods. The data collected comes from scientific journals related to educational technology innovation. The data obtained, then analyzed by descriptive analysis method. The analytical method used is to describe the facts from the theoretical study of research results with the role of educational innovation in digital technology-based learning.

Based on the results of educational innovation, forming a generation of Indonesians who are responsible for digital technology has a very important role. The Indonesian generation must be wise and alert in the development of technology in this era. Teachers also have an important role in it. Education is one of the means that has a major influence in shaping quality generational resources.

A good education will create a generation of Indonesians who have quality character and innovation and are able to realize themselves to be one of the spearheads of modern civilization. Digitalization of schools is no longer something new in the world of education. The growing development of digital technology transformation in the world of education is expected to improve the quality of teaching and learning activities.

The Ministry of Education and Culture is also carrying out digital transformation in the world of education through the account, a system prepared to accelerate the quality of education. In the account there is a Learning House facility for teachers to obtain learning materials, inspiration, and even share experiences and good practices with fellow teachers in all parts of Indonesia.

Keywords: school innovation, Indonesian generation, digital technology.


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