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My 19th Birthday

16 Desember 2022   20:50 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   21:00 184
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That hope, however, have to fall. Mama and Papa quarreled more and more often. There were already many pieces of furniture that had fallen victim. Papa began to come home late often, sometime he also did not come home for days. And my Mom, she went back to playing with her old glamorous friends which made her rarely at home.

It would be a lie if this heart wasn't anxious. Being the cause of the loss of family harmony, committing acts that violate the norms of tarnishing the family's good name, not being able to meet loved ones, and not being able to hold your own biological child ... At least I want to see their face and hear their cry...

I feel that everything is enough... I don't want to see this already thin rope break. I don't want to heat the water that is already boiling. I want everyone to be happy again. I think that will happen if the cause of the problem is no longer there.

Thank you Dina. Thank you Ridho. Thank you for believing in me and sorry for failed to fulfill my promise. Maybe we will meet in a better life.

Best regards. Goodbye.

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