/27/ Lihat “Context and analysis of Leviticus 18:22” di http://www.religioustolerance./hom_bibh4.htm; Paul Turner, “Seeds of Hope: ‘But Leviticus Says’”, Whosoever, di http://www.whosoever.org/seeds/letter84.shtml; dan juga Anon, “What does Leviticus 18:22 really say?”, Pamphlet, National Gay Pentacostal Alliance (NGPA), P.O. Box 20428, Ferndale, MI.
/28/ Lihat “Leviticus 20:13” di http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibh3.htm.
/29/ Untuk informasi konteks religius kultural surat Roma, khususnya bagian-bagiannya yang mengacu ke perilaku seksual, lihat R. S. Truluck, “The six Bible passages used to condemn homosexuals”, di http://www.truluck.com/html/; dan artikel “Free to be gay: A brief look at the Bible and homosexuality”, Universal Fellowship of Metropolitant Community Churches”, di http://www.ualberta.ca/~cbidwell/UFMCC/.
/30/ Lihat “Romans 1:26-27. Introduction” pada http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibc3.htm.
/31/ Lihat artikel “Homosexuality in the Christian Scriptures, the ‘clobber passages’, 1 Timothy 1:9-10” di http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibc7.htm.
/32/ Lihat tafsiran 1 Korintus 6:9-10 dalam http://www.relgioustolerance.org/hom_bibc1.htm.
/33/ Paul Thomas Cahill, “An Investigation into the Bible and homosexuality” di http://www.christianlesbians.com/.
/34/ Lihat artikel “Meanings of the Greek word ‘arsenokoitai’ (1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1)” di http://www.religioustolerance.org/homarsen.htm.
/35/ Lihat artikel “How to be true to the Bible and say ‘Yes’ to same-sex unions”, di http://members.aol.com/DrSwiney/bennett.html; lihat juga “Celebrating diversity: texts recently applied to homosexuality”, di http://members.tripod.com/~uniting/resource/bible.html.
/36/ Paul Thomas Cahill, “An Investigation into the Bible and homosexuality” di http://www.christianlesbians.com/; lihat juga Justin Cannon, “The Bible, Christianity and Homosexuality”, di http://www.truthsetsfree.net/study.html.
/37/ Selain sumber-sumber yang sudah dirujuk di atas, kajian atas kata arsenokoitēs juga dapat dilihat pada “Homosexuality in the Christian Scriptures, the ‘clobber passages’, 1 Timothy 1:9-10” di http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibc7.htm.