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Ecocentrism, Antrophocentrism In Philosophy and Environmental Ethics

17 November 2022   21:25 Diperbarui: 19 November 2022   12:17 444
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Sumber: BNPB Indonesia's Twitter

However, it appears that just 194 thousand hectares have been planted with oil palm, with the remaining portions being destroyed, according to the search's findings.

It turns out that there are also requirements for numerous issues as a result of turning woods into extractive industrial regions, whether it be plantations, property, agriculture, forestry, mining, infrastructure, or marine. According to the Consortium for Agrarian Renewal's (KPA) report, there were 410 agrarian disputes in 2018, involving 87,568 households across a conflict area of 807.177 hectares.

Source: Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (KPA). 2018
Source: Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (KPA). 2018

Figure 2.1. Agrarian Conflicts in Indonesia, 2010-2018

It is not unexpected when in 2020, BNPB recorded 2,925 natural catastrophe events in Indonesia, including floods, tornadoes, landslides, forest and land fires, droughts, and heat waves. This is because of the significant forest degradation that has taken place. As can be observed by the numerous ecological disasters that have struck Indonesia, including floods, landslides, and other events in different locations, the environmental problem is getting worse.

According to data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), According to the BNPB, there were 337 flood-related incidents, 186 tornadoes, and 144 landslides throughout 2021. Then came 70 instances of forest and land fires, 13 earthquakes, 12 tidal wave and abrasion events, and 1 drought.

Sumber: BNPB Indonesia's Twitter
Sumber: BNPB Indonesia's Twitter

Figure 2,2. Distribution of Natural Disasters in Indonesia for The Period 1 January - 9 March 2021.                                 

The terrible practices of a few number of firms that control millions of hectares of land were shown to exacerbate the severity of catastrophes in Indonesia. This ecocide practice of environmental degradation ignores spatial and environmental planning. In the two years between 2017 and 2018, there was an increase in the number of catastrophe victims from the previous figure of 3.49 million people to 9.88 million people, which is nearly a threefold increase in terms of casualties.

Why Do We Need Environmental Ethics?

Environmental ethics are very required to stop unchecked environmental devastation. Environmental ethics primarily examines how people ought to act or conduct themselves toward the environment. both the values and moral principles that guide human behavior in interactions with nature and the norms or laws that govern human behavior in those interactions. 

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