h) Public interest shall be served by the grant of CoR;
 i) Any other condition as may be specified by the Bank, fulfillment of which, in the opinion of the Bank, is necessary to ensure that the commencement of or carrying on the business in India shall not be prejudicial to the public interest."
4. Tahapan Pendaftaran
Ada 2 tahap utama, yakni mendapatkan in-principle approval atau yang biasa disebut di Indonesia sebagai izin prinsip, lalu tahap kedua adalah mendapat Certificate of Registration yang kalau dialihbahasakan adalah Sertifikat Pendaftaran, tetapi di Indonesia padanannya menjadi licensed atau lebih ke izin.
Berikut kutipannya.
"In case of prospective NBFC-P2PsÂ
(iii) The Bank may, after being satisfied that the conditions specified under paragraph 5(2)(ii) are fulfilled, grant in-principle approval for setting up of a Peer to Peer Lending Platform, subject to such conditions which it may consider fit to impose.Â
(iv) The validity of the in-principle approval issued by the Bank will be twelve months from the date of granting such in-principle approval.Â
(v) Within the period of twelve months, the company shall put in place the technology platform, enter into all other legal documentations required and report position of compliance with the terms of grant of in-principle approval to the Bank.Â
(vi) The Bank may, after being satisfied that the entity is ready to commence operations, grant a CoR as an NBFC--P2P, subject to conditions as deemed fit by the Bank."
5. Kegiatan Usaha P2P Lending Company tidak boleh on balance sheet