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Response of Junior High School Students about Online Learning of PJOK Lessons in The Time of The Covid-19 Pandemic

13 Januari 2022   22:34 Diperbarui: 13 Januari 2022   23:03 409
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Figure 6. Physical benefits that students feel after learning Sports Online/do sports

This observation was carried out when students had participated in online learning of PJOK. The observationer asked for help from the 7th grade students as many as 20 students to fill out the questionnaire which found in the google form with a link that has been distributed by observer. 

Here is a Picture frequency diagram of junior high school students' responses about online learning subjects in PJOK in the time of the covid 19 pandemic, based on the online question instruments according to Table 1.

  • Time to do Sports learning
  • Figure 1. Before the Pandemic, how many hours on average did you study/do sports.
    Figure 1. Before the Pandemic, how many hours on average did you study/do sports.
  • Figure 2. After the Pandemic, how many hours on average do you study/do sports
    Figure 2. After the Pandemic, how many hours on average do you study/do sports
  • Difficulties in online learning of PJOK
  • Figure 3. Difficulty online learning of PJOK/do sports
    Figure 3. Difficulty online learning of PJOK/do sports
  • Based on the results of student respondents, that for the duration of online learning of PJOK, most students (88.2%) study for -1 hour each meeting (Fig. 2). Online learning of PJOK has a shorter duration than offline learning of PJOK most of them (44.4%) study 1-2 hours per meeting (Fig. 1). According to Figure. 3, Some of the factors that causes the duration of online learning of PJOK to be shorter than offline, one of which is students feel bored because they do sports activities alone at home (41.2% of students) and also limited sports equipment and land when learning PJOK online at home.
  • Understanding PJOK material online
  • Figure 4. Understanding of sports material delivered by online teachers/do sports
    Figure 4. Understanding of sports material delivered by online teachers/do sports
  • In addition, the less regular conditioning of the class goes along with the shorter it is learning time in the application of the online learning system causes the material to be delivered by the teacherto be 58,8% was not understood by the students (Fig. 4). "Teachers as one component of educators must be able to understand how children learn and create a learning process that allows students to develop their abilities and character types" (Fa'iz et al., 2021).
  • Student responses to online learning of POJK
  • Figure 5. Student responses to online POJK learning/do sports
    Figure 5. Student responses to online POJK learning/do sports
  • It is known based on the results of the questionnaire in Fig. 5, that as many as 52.9% of students feel normal about the response to Online learning of PJOK, 35.3% feel happy and 11.8% feel dissatisfied with online learning of PJOK.
  • Physical benefits that are felt after learning Sports Online
  • Figure 6. Physical benefits that students feel after learning Sports Online/do sports
    Figure 6. Physical benefits that students feel after learning Sports Online/do sports
  • The physical benefits that are felt by students when implementing online sports learning are 64.7% slightly feel the benefits and 35.3% feel the physical benefits of online learning of PJOK (Fig. 6).
  • The Role of Parents in Online Learning
  • Figure 7. The Role of Parents in Online Learning/do sports
    Figure 7. The Role of Parents in Online Learning/do sports
  • Based on the results of the questionnaire in Figure 7, that most students get support and encouragement from their parents in the implementation of online learning of PJOK. 70.6% of parents support and help students in online learning of PJOK, while 29.4% of parents sometimes help students in online learning of PJOK.
  • The effectiveness of online PJOK learning
  • Figure 8. The effectiveness of online PJOK learning/do sports
    Figure 8. The effectiveness of online PJOK learning/do sports

Based on Fig. 8, that most students (70.6%) felt that online learning of PJOK was not as effective as offline learning of PJOK. However, 29.4% of students feel that online sports learning has been effective.

Class conditions that are different from conditions at home are one of the main factors that affect make it difficult for students to concentrate, feel bored, and feel lazy when studying online. By Therefore, the role of parents is very important in encouraging students so that students can create a comfortable and supportive environment during the implementation of online learning activities. 

During the corona virus pandemic, students say online learning of PJOK is not fun because exercising alone at home makes students bored (41.2%), the subject matter is difficult understood (23.5%), and limited sports equipment and land make students lazy to exercise(11,8%), difficulty concentrating, and other reasons. Learn more about PJOK at school fun than online learning because students can meet and do sports with friends (76.5%), a large environment for exercise (17.6%) and can interact directly with the teacher (5.9%).

In the following, observers attach some photos of activities carried out during observations regarding PJOK Online Learning.

This PJOK learning activities begins with students doing Literacy related to the material to be studied. Then some material is recorded, especially material that students do not understand. After the students have done literacy, the next activity is a Zoom Meeting with the PJOK lesson teacher so that students get an understanding of the material they have just read. The teacher confirms the material that the students have read and explains things that are not understood by the students.

The last activity, after doing the Literacy and Zoom Meeting and the students have understood the material, then the students apply or do the sports movements at home independently. This activity must be carried out by students so that their bodies can be maintained properly during the Covid-19 pandemic even though this learning is done online.

  • Conclusion

From the results of online questionnaires or questionnaires, most of the 7th grade students of SMPN 4 Bandung have difficulty in online learning of PJOK because they cannot interact directly with the teacher and cannot exercise with their friends. 

Other than that, online Learning of PJOK according to students is less fun, and learning material spoorly understood due to the lack of direct interaction between teachers and students, especially for PJOK which is usually done directly (practice). More Offline Learning liked by students is still a student's hope which until now has not been able to be done because still in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

The results of the study concluded that students' difficulties in when online learning of PJOK is influenced by several factors, namely student motivation, tools, and a large area for students to do sports, direct interaction between teachers and students, and material that is not understood by students. In addition, the role of parents is also very important to encourage students to remain enthusiastic about learning PJOK even though it is online.

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