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Response of Junior High School Students about Online Learning of PJOK Lessons in The Time of The Covid-19 Pandemic

13 Januari 2022   22:34 Diperbarui: 13 Januari 2022   23:03 409
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Figure 6. Physical benefits that students feel after learning Sports Online/do sports

  • Introduction

At the end of 2019, the whole world was facing a very big outbreak with the emergence of the corona virus. This epidemic has attacked all countries, including Indonesia. 

This deadly virus attacks the human respiratory system and is transmitted through saliva. This corona virus outbreak has an impact on all aspects of life, without exception the world of education. In the realm of education, teaching and learning activities must take place remotely, namely through an online learning system. 

Learning that is actually carried out by direct interaction between teachers and students (face to face), is now turning into online learning (in the network). As stated by Herlina & Maman (2020) "Learning which has been carried out face-to-face, suddenly has to be done online".

The impact of the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the world of education is changing the system learning from face-to-face or offline switching to distance learning systems remote or called online which affects all subjects, one of which is PJOK. "PJOK learning is a physical activity that encourages humans to develop social, physical, and spiritual potential" (Latifah et al., (2021)).

This becomes an obstacle in learning, especially for subjects that require physical activity, such as PJOK subjects. As stated by Irfan and Agung (2021) that health and recreation physical education is one that has an impact on the Covid 19 pandemic, Physical education which is generally carried out together in open spaces is now carried out differently remotely and is carried out at each other's homes. "Physical Education for Sports and Health (PJOK) is a subject with a lot of physical activity such as running, throwing, hitting, and jumping" (Dyah et al, 2020).

Online Learning of PJOK is a new thing for both teachers and students. Teacher required to be more creative so that online learning of PJOK can run well."The online learning model demands the creativity and skills of the teacher using technology" (Abd. Rahim Mansyur, 2020). In addition, students are also expected tocan access applications used in online learning, such as Zoom, GoogleClassroom, and other applications.

In addition to the above applications, there are also other internet technologies in the field of education as a means of learning, namely E-Learning. Hendra Ramadhona (2016) states that with this technology a teacher teaches in front of a computer or laptop, while students follow the learning from another computer or laptop in a different place and at the same time. This can make it easier for students to find information via the internet.

This online learning is a solution when natural disasters such as the corona outbreak are currently being experienced by most countries in the world. Like now, when the government sets a social distancing policy, online learning is the only choice of learning method that can be done. However, factors from schools and parents must be considered so that students needs to receive education can be well received by students. "The continuity of education during the pandemic will depend on various factors, such as the level of school preparation, the readiness of parents/families, and the readiness of teachers" (Yunitasari, 2020).

"Physical education is an educational process that utilizes physical movement activities as a means of achieving national education goals" (Fatkhur et al., 2021). Online Learning of PJOK during the COVID-19 pandemic must create effective education. As stated in Santoso, 2020 that learning at home or online learning is an effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the world of education. Online learning is carried out as a substitute for offline learning in schools so that learning activities can still be carried out effectively. 

Given the conditions of learning that must be done online, schools are trying to create effective online learning with the facilities and abilities of the educators they have, now they must have good information technology (IT) skills. Educators have a very decisive role in the success of this online learning. "Educators must create creative, innovative, and recreational learning methods that stimulate students to be willing to be actively involved in online learning and feel the meaning of learning" (Dyah et al., 2020).

  • Method

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